As the only Episcopal-sponsored, non-profit Continuing Care Retirement Community in the greater Columbia area, Still Hopes is there for you during every step of your retirement. Located two minutes from downtown Columbia, our life plan community is comprised of beautiful apartments and free-standing cottages nestled on 44 wooded acres creating a relaxing environment for engaged and independent senior living.
Take the extra step in your retirement planning and discover the added peace of mind of our many levels of healthcare. If you ever were to need extra services, our compassionate and knowledgeable nursing staff offer individualized care on campus.
Still Hopes is a mission-based organization focused on providing the greater Columbia area a hub for health and daily assistance with programs like Solutions for Living at Home, open amenities like our Wellness Center, and rehabilitative services available designed for speedy recoveries.

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Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 4 sec
hi and welcome back to still hopes and five there's a good number of things going on on our campus this week that I would like to bring to your attention the first one is on Tuesday February 26th we have a graduation of sorts for our balance and strengthening class in the Wellness Center these folks have worked hard practicing balance exercises and strengthening so they can rise from the floor we really appreciate all of the hard work these people have put into their health and their wellness and we congratulate them sincerely on graduating from this class the second event I'd like to bring to y'all's attention is on Wednesday February 27th from 10:00 to 4:00 in the Kenan Events Center this will be a vintage doll display and it will be a beautiful and unique display of dolls from all over the world there will be a Madame Alexander doll and just all kinds of unique things there so go by and check it out the third event that I'd like to bring deals attention is on Thursday February 28th at 3 o'clock in the Kenan Events Center it will be a healthy dynamics presentation by our very own medical director dr. Vicktor hers the title of this presentation is false balance and walking speed and how they relate to your health there will be an opportunity for residents to participate in research as it relates to this topic and the last thing I want to talk to y'all about is very important these ID badges that all employees and residents carry will no longer work as of Wednesday February 27th so if you are a still hopes employee you can pick up your new card in Human Resources on Monday February 25th from 9 to 4:30 after February 27th you do need to bring your old card by Human Resources if you are a still hopes resident information as it pertains to your new card has been put in your internal mailbox if you are a future resident or a community wellness member information has been mailed to you and that's going to be all for today's episode of still hopes in five I look forward to seeing you back here next week
Video Transcript
Time: 1 min 25 sec
Still Hopes In Five - Episode 9
hi and welcome back to still hopes in five there's a couple things I wanted to bring to y'all's attention that are happening on campus this week the first is a concert on March the 13th in the Kenan Events Center still hopes spring concert series will be starting and the first concert will be by the Trinity Cathedral Choir again that concert will be Wednesday March 13th at 7:30 in the Kenan Events Center the second thing I want to bring to y'all's attention is on Thursday and Friday which is March 14th and 15th some folks from the Library of Congress will actually be here at still hopes interviewing some of our veterans that are residents here at still hopes the goal of that project is to preserve some oral histories from these veterans and preserve their stories for years to come the last thing I'd like to bring up today is a reminder of one of still hopes care promises as you know we have opened our new beautiful Greenway building which serves as a reminder to please do not forget about our care promise that includes atmosphere and environment if you see something that is in need of cleaning or repair have a work order submitted if you see a safety issue please report it remember it is everyone's responsibility to keep still hopes beautiful and safe thank you for being part of this still hopes team and that's gonna be all for today's episode I look forward to seeing you right back here next week
Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 25 sec
Still Hopes In Five Episode 12
hi and welcome back to still hopes and five there are a few things going on this week that I'd like to bring to your attention the first one is this Tuesday April the 2nd at 2 o'clock our ballroom dance classes are getting started again so again that is this Tuesday April 2nd at 2 o'clock in the atrium that will be our ballroom dance classes and if you have any questions just call sherry French or Bill Webb in the activities Department the second thing that I would like to mention is on Wednesday April 3rd at 7:30 our spring concert series is actually coming to an end so Wednesday at 7:30 in the Keenan Center we will wrap up our concert series with the Parker string quartet if you have any questions again call our activities department you can reach either sherry French or Bill Webb if you are a still hopes resident and you would like to go to the river banks zoo this Thursday April 3rd still hopes will be providing transportation to the zoo so if you're interested in having a bus ride over to the zoo and then spending a couple hours and having a ride back the bus will depart at 1:30 from the port of cachet which is up near the marketing office again this is simply transportation so our bus will take you to the zoo and bring you back home and so if you are interested please call bill webb in the activities department again the bus is departing on Thursday at 1:30 I've already mentioned this in last week's episode but this Sunday April 7th is going to be the grand opening of Greenway so from 2:00 until 4:00 on Sunday April the 7th we will have greenways grand opening we will have a prayer of dedication and ribbon cutting at 2 o'clock with a reception and tours to follow so if you would love to see our beautiful new building please mark your calendars for Sunday April 7th the last thing I'm going to mention is a note from Elizabeth Dickerson who is our Director of Nursing she would just like to advise everyone that even though it seems like we are heading into spring and we are in the clear in terms of the flu the doctors and hospitals around here are still seeing confirmed cases of the flu so please continue to take proper precautions such as washing your hands and things of that nature because the flu is still very prevalent people are still getting it and we want to keep everyone safe that's going to be all for today's episode of still hopes in five I look forward to seeing you right back here next week