Are you looking for a vibrant memory care Alzheimer’s assisted living facility where your loved one will thrive? Come, experience Sycamore Creek Ranch, a state-of-the-art, freestanding dementia assisted living community and Alzheimer’s assisted living facility exclusively designed for seniors coping with Alzheimer’s and other age-related dementias. Serving The Woodlands, Spring, Cypress, Shenandoah, Champions.
Step inside our dementia care facility and you will see how we are revolutionizing Alzheimer’s care and dementia care with our resident centered design, our delicious savory meals, and our round-the-clock engaging expert care
So many features make our home filled environment, the place you call home, more comfortable and familiar… from the aromas of our home cooked delicious savory meals, music, laughter, children and pets… to the familiar faces of our round the clock care. No one champions quality of life for those coping with Alzheimer’s, and other age related dementias, like Sycamore Creek Ranch Memory Care.
We focus on living life to the fullest every day, regardless of the care needs of your loved one. We understand there are going to be good days, and there are going to be days filled with challenges when caring for those coping with Alzheimer’s, and other age-related dementias. Our proactive caring staff receives 5 times more training than the state requires annually. Through this extensive training and our team’s intimate knowledge of each resident, we can begin to anticipate what triggers anxiety, thus redirecting your loved one’s attention to create soothing, positive experiences without the use of mood-stabilizing drugs. We hire only the top professionals and maintain a high staff-to-resident ratio. Combine that with historic low staff turnover, and you can expect superior care from familiar faces every day.
Every resident has a story and brings unique life experiences to Sycamore Creek Ranch Memory Care. That is why no one’s care is the same. Before providing any care, we learn your loved one’s life story so we can build their day around it. We gather information about who your loved is—their family, their accomplishments, their likes and dislikes, employment, and volunteer contributions. We then team you up with one of our direct care team members, and together we work Hand-In-Hand to meet the progressive needs of your loved one—providing family with communication and support about the care of your loved one daily. Our care is designed around the individual needs of each resident -not a one size fits all program, but rather emphasizes their ability, not disability. This kind of person-centered care is at the heart of all we do.
- Beautifully landscaped secure outdoor courtyard with walking paths, butterfly gardens, and screened in patio
- Spacious private studios
- Personal bath with automated lighting and built-in night lights behind toilets
- Equipped with adaptive living technology – tracks resident in their studio to help reduce the risk of fall
- LifeShare® Technology and SMART TV’s with slideshow memory box
- Warm, cozy, and inviting living spaces, dining room, and open kitchen concept
- We are NOT a one size fits all program, but rather, a team of caring professionals that engage the lives of those copping with Alzheimer’s, and other age related dementias, to create meaningful moments that connect with the heart of our residents
- We hire only the top professionals and maintain one of the highest staff-to-resident ratio’s in the industry
- Our proactive caring staff receives 5 times more training than the state requires annually
- Resident centered care is at the heart of all we do