Show us what you can do with freedom beaucoup. Because when we take cooking, laundry, housework and yardwork off your hands, suddenly you have big, beautiful blocks of free time, every day. You’re free to fill those hands with what your heart tells you is more important: grandchildren, your sweetheart, genealogy and other legacies, creative or charitable work, or simply those books you’ve promised yourself you’d read. This is Independent Living at Cornerstone, a best choice in retirement communities in Texarkana, TX. In your senior apartment here, life can be a satisfying journey of friendship, fun and fitness, action and adventure, and so sensible that you sleep worry-free.

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Title: Message from Ron Jennette, President & CEO, Methodist Retirement Communities
Time: 6 min 56 sec
welcome to Methodist retirement communities we began in the early 1960s on Galveston Island in Texas when the former Buccaneer hotel was gifted to the Texas annual conference of United Methodists this led to a community called MRC Edgewater that began with Turner geriatric center which supported up to 160 for skilled nursing rehab and memory support residents while the hotel was replaced with 88 residential apartments for older adults called moody house Mr seed next expanded to Bryan Texas where it added Crestview retirement community in 1970 when it was already 6 years old in addition to mr secrecy and bryan MRC also operates three affordable housing apartment communities for seniors with limited income these are called Crestview Terrace Crestview place and unity in 1985 MRC added two skilled nursing and rehab community in Huntsville named mr c town creek which is also referred to as ellis mither geriatric center with considerable help then from the temple foundation and others MRC next expanded to lufkin texas in 1992 where its first continuous care retirement community was developed known as mr c pinecrest this community has patio homes residential apartments assisted living apartments specialty memory support units for those with Alzheimer's and other dementia diseases skilled nursing rehab units plus home health and other home services the specialty memory support centers were named after longtime supporters George Henderson and Lodi temple MRC next added another continuous care retirement community and text our can of Texas in 1997 with substantial help from the Morris and bunch families and others the primary retirement community is named cornerstone while the specialty memory support center is called bunch woodview next MRC added happy harbor Methodist home in laporte Texas where we now still operate to affordable housing apartment communities on the bay for limited income seniors these are called a few senior apartments and Bayview senior housing today MRC is a system of not-for-profit corporations headquartered in the woodland Texas we still maintain a valuable covenant affiliation with the Texas annual conference of United Methodists from which our core values are derived but the Texas annual conference has no legal or financial responsibility for MRC so we are totally self supporting the majority of our funding comes from residents paying for the services they receive and we are also fortunate to receive donations from those willing to support various programs like benevolent assistance for those who run out of money through no fault of their own and specialty Alzheimer's buildings and programs now each of our communities also maintains very strong relationships with churches of many different denominations throughout MRC we are open to persons of all faiths and we rely heavily on members of other churches and others in the local communities where we exist to provide much-needed volunteer assistance in 2008 we began our most remarkable transformation in the last few years we have completely redeveloped and rebuilt a brand-new crestview retirement community in Bryan as a continuous care retirement community now serving about 250 residents including the new Arbor Oaks residential apartments we demolished the former building that originated in the mid 1960s and it only served about 80 residents mostly in skilled nursing and rehab we have also completely redeveloped and rebuilt a brand-new retirement community for huntsville to replace the old 1950s building of town creek the new community is called MRC creekside consisting of assisted living apartments specialty memory support suites for those suffering with Alzheimer's and other dimensions and skilled nursing and rehab units and now we just purchased almost 19 acres in League City Texas between NASA and kima where we will next develop our largest yet continuous care retirement community serving about 300 residents with a hundred and fifty staff construction is expected to start in mid-2014 MRC is now looking for our next site project to begin our next healthy living senior living community as we continue to expand our service ministry with the mission to serve senior adults in Christian environments and a vision to expand our reach to as many souls as we can touch MRC is only as good as our team of employees it is imperative that every team consists of quality individuals who appreciate our mission and value the deserving residents we serve our teams must work together in harmony toward the greater good of serving others there's absolutely nothing more rewarding or more noble than serving others it's a mission that is bigger and more important than any one of us when we understand this it is easy to realize that great opportunity we've been given at MRC and join a career that serves others it's much more blessing than a job for those who understand and if you do not quite yet understand just give it a try make it a habit every day to do something special for someone else and you will absolutely be amazed at how good it makes you feel I believe that every employee who gives his or her best should go home at the end of the day feeling the reward that comes from serving others and if you've given your best for the team with the right attitude you should feel good about yourself as we strive for excellence and professionalism throughout all of them are see we have adopted the eye care value system from the methodist hospital system in Houston who year after year ranks as one of the top 10 hospital systems in the country icare stands for integrity compassion accountability respect and excellence this is who we are and who we want to always strive to be our residents are parents grandparents and even great-grandparents these are real people who deserve to be treated with respect and an opportunity to live this part of their life to their fullest capability my challenge to you is to use these values to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve and those with whom you serve with a smile on your face treat others exactly how you would want to be treated and at the end of the day the biggest difference will be in your life this is my hope for you and for us thank you so much choosing to work with us at MRC you matter to us and we want you to know how valuable how important and how appreciated you are may God bless each of us as we carry out this noble service ministry
Time: 6 min 56 sec
welcome to Methodist retirement communities we began in the early 1960s on Galveston Island in Texas when the former Buccaneer hotel was gifted to the Texas annual conference of United Methodists this led to a community called MRC Edgewater that began with Turner geriatric center which supported up to 160 for skilled nursing rehab and memory support residents while the hotel was replaced with 88 residential apartments for older adults called moody house Mr seed next expanded to Bryan Texas where it added Crestview retirement community in 1970 when it was already 6 years old in addition to mr secrecy and bryan MRC also operates three affordable housing apartment communities for seniors with limited income these are called Crestview Terrace Crestview place and unity in 1985 MRC added two skilled nursing and rehab community in Huntsville named mr c town creek which is also referred to as ellis mither geriatric center with considerable help then from the temple foundation and others MRC next expanded to lufkin texas in 1992 where its first continuous care retirement community was developed known as mr c pinecrest this community has patio homes residential apartments assisted living apartments specialty memory support units for those with Alzheimer's and other dementia diseases skilled nursing rehab units plus home health and other home services the specialty memory support centers were named after longtime supporters George Henderson and Lodi temple MRC next added another continuous care retirement community and text our can of Texas in 1997 with substantial help from the Morris and bunch families and others the primary retirement community is named cornerstone while the specialty memory support center is called bunch woodview next MRC added happy harbor Methodist home in laporte Texas where we now still operate to affordable housing apartment communities on the bay for limited income seniors these are called a few senior apartments and Bayview senior housing today MRC is a system of not-for-profit corporations headquartered in the woodland Texas we still maintain a valuable covenant affiliation with the Texas annual conference of United Methodists from which our core values are derived but the Texas annual conference has no legal or financial responsibility for MRC so we are totally self supporting the majority of our funding comes from residents paying for the services they receive and we are also fortunate to receive donations from those willing to support various programs like benevolent assistance for those who run out of money through no fault of their own and specialty Alzheimer's buildings and programs now each of our communities also maintains very strong relationships with churches of many different denominations throughout MRC we are open to persons of all faiths and we rely heavily on members of other churches and others in the local communities where we exist to provide much-needed volunteer assistance in 2008 we began our most remarkable transformation in the last few years we have completely redeveloped and rebuilt a brand-new crestview retirement community in Bryan as a continuous care retirement community now serving about 250 residents including the new Arbor Oaks residential apartments we demolished the former building that originated in the mid 1960s and it only served about 80 residents mostly in skilled nursing and rehab we have also completely redeveloped and rebuilt a brand-new retirement community for huntsville to replace the old 1950s building of town creek the new community is called MRC creekside consisting of assisted living apartments specialty memory support suites for those suffering with Alzheimer's and other dimensions and skilled nursing and rehab units and now we just purchased almost 19 acres in League City Texas between NASA and kima where we will next develop our largest yet continuous care retirement community serving about 300 residents with a hundred and fifty staff construction is expected to start in mid-2014 MRC is now looking for our next site project to begin our next healthy living senior living community as we continue to expand our service ministry with the mission to serve senior adults in Christian environments and a vision to expand our reach to as many souls as we can touch MRC is only as good as our team of employees it is imperative that every team consists of quality individuals who appreciate our mission and value the deserving residents we serve our teams must work together in harmony toward the greater good of serving others there's absolutely nothing more rewarding or more noble than serving others it's a mission that is bigger and more important than any one of us when we understand this it is easy to realize that great opportunity we've been given at MRC and join a career that serves others it's much more blessing than a job for those who understand and if you do not quite yet understand just give it a try make it a habit every day to do something special for someone else and you will absolutely be amazed at how good it makes you feel I believe that every employee who gives his or her best should go home at the end of the day feeling the reward that comes from serving others and if you've given your best for the team with the right attitude you should feel good about yourself as we strive for excellence and professionalism throughout all of them are see we have adopted the eye care value system from the methodist hospital system in Houston who year after year ranks as one of the top 10 hospital systems in the country icare stands for integrity compassion accountability respect and excellence this is who we are and who we want to always strive to be our residents are parents grandparents and even great-grandparents these are real people who deserve to be treated with respect and an opportunity to live this part of their life to their fullest capability my challenge to you is to use these values to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve and those with whom you serve with a smile on your face treat others exactly how you would want to be treated and at the end of the day the biggest difference will be in your life this is my hope for you and for us thank you so much choosing to work with us at MRC you matter to us and we want you to know how valuable how important and how appreciated you are may God bless each of us as we carry out this noble service ministry
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