Our House II & III is a pleasing assisted living community in Neshkoro, Wisconsin. It is within wonderful Marquette County which is part of the Badger State.
Our House II & III was established in 1987 and is one of the oldest and most successful group homes in Central Wisconsin today. The secret to our success is personal sacrifice and good old fashioned hard work, which has been an American tradition that has made this country what it is today.
Our House Assisted Living has two units Our House II is an eight bed CS class CBRF and Our House III is a four bed Adult Family Home located in the upper level with an attached live-in caregiver apartment.
Our House has now purchased additional land to allow for expansion. Our House will be adding on four additional residential rooms, a large living space, and an additional live-in staff apartment. The expansion will bring the facility capacity to a total of 16 beds.
Our House is located in a quite countryside setting enveloped by lush green trees and beautiful scenery that gives it a park like setting feel in a countryside lifestyle. Our large property has it's very own organic garden which all residents may participate showing off their green thumb Residents may stroll around the grounds or just relax under an awning by the pond.