At Prairie Gardens we pride ourselves in continually working towards welcoming new members to our wonderful community. We hope that you will think of us when you are searching for a new home to begin your next stage in life.
Your health and happiness is our number one priority at Prairie Gardens assisted living. Our staff and health specialists take pride in working with our residents to ensure that they are always as comfortable as possible. No matter the time of day or night, our 24 Hr. staff is available to you.
By working with our nurse you will be able to plan out your daily routines and create schedules that work best for you. Throughout your stay you will feel confident knowing that our professionals are certified and educated in medication management.
When you settle in to Prairie Gardens you’ll find relief in knowing that our staff and resident create one big family. We're devoted to caring for our loved ones and making sure that we accommodate our residents every need. Therefore, we ensure that our building and staff are equipped with a number of safety aids.