Home Care in Florida

Does Florida Medicaid cover in home care?

Florida Medicaid reimburses for home health services that are rendered by licensed, Medicaid-participating home health agencies and Medicaid enrolled or registered independent personal care providers.

How much does home care cost in Florida?

In Florida the hourly rate for home care is, on average, $21.00 per hour. This price varies based on what part of Florida you are in. The most affordable home care is found in Miami, Ocala, and the Deltona area, where the average hourly rate is between $18.50 and $19.50. The areas of the state with the highest home care costs include Highlands County in the area of Sebring, Naples, Panama City, Punta Gorda, and the North Port area, where the cost is between $23.50 and $25.00 / hour.

How many hours does Medicaid pay for home health care in Florida?

Medicare’s home health benefit covers skilled nursing care and home health aide services provided up to seven days per week for no more than eight hours per day and 28 hours per week. If you need additional care, Medicare provides up to 35 hours per week on a case-by-case basis.

Can a family member be a paid caregiver in Florida?

In the Participant Directed Option (PDO), Florida Medicaid recipients can choose to pay a spouse, child, grandchild, or other family member or friend as a caregiver.

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