Home Care in Georgia

Does Medicaid pay for in-home care in Georgia?

If you receive ABD Medicaid, the program will pay for some limited home care services. The services must be prescribed by your doctor as part of a plan of care for a particular problem, and the services must be directed at curing or rehabilitating you. The number of home health visits you can receive in one year is limited.

Can a family member get paid to be a caregiver in Georgia?

Family members can be paid to be a caregiver in Georgia under the Structured Family Caregiving program (SFC). This program offers financial support to families in Georgia that provide care for an senior or disabled person in the home. Spouses and legal guardians are not eligible for compensation under this program.

How do I become a certified caregiver in Georgia?

Caregiver training in the senior care industry for professional caregiver employment is regulated by each state’s Department of Health. Each person must complete at least eight hours online of professional caregiving training which is required by law.

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