
What Top Writers Can Teach Us About Essay Writing

Learning how to write the best essays is crucial for life - Not only does it make you appear more literate, but it also helps structure your thoughts and bring them to life.

We can learn so much from the best writers. This post aims to recollect and review the top essay writing tips and why it's vital to learn to write, regardless of your occupation: A student, entrepreneur, creative writer, etcetera. Let's begin!

The Benefits of Essay Writing

Why should you, or anyone, learn how to write a proper essay? While it may seem pointless, the results and benefits are promising.

First, essay writing is a form of self-expression - It helps bring your ideas and thoughts to life, allowing others to read your work and interact with it. It encourages a space for debate and coming up with new ideas.

Secondly, essay writing keeps your cognition sharp. Finding the right words and structures to organize your content is not as easy as it may seem. Regularly engaging in writing might help your brain stay active.

The benefits are endless. We could discuss how you find honesty within yourself, your own writing style, and much more. Every top writer knows this, and so should you! That said, let's review the writer`s advice from the Last Minute Essay writing service.

Top Essay Writing Hacks

1) Less Is More

Sometimes, it's easy to fall for the longtail and refined words. But the best writers are those who get their point across without wordiness. Some fields require you to be literate, especially if you're a Ph.D. student (or similar).

To quote what Albert Einstein once said: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." The premise is simple: If you want to share your ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others, you ought to ensure they understand you.

That's the first piece of writing advice everyone should remember. Less is more, especially when communicating.

2) Creating a Mind Map Helps

When writing an essay, you often have too many ideas you want to share. Creating a good structure (headers included!) before typing anything can make an enormous difference.

The idea is to write the main topic or subject of your essay in the middle of a blank paper. Then create new branches with headers and subheaders - These are secondary ideas you want to cover. You can expand and add as many branches to each section as you wish, as long as it all makes sense.

To make things more fun and visual, add color coding and images to help you remember key ideas.

3) Find Synonyms

There's nothing more repetitive and unprofessional than repeating a few words over and over again. You can use Google, other websites, or even Microsoft Word to find synonyms for duplicated phrases.

Keep tip 1) in mind, though. If a synonym is too wordy or refined for your essay, it's best to skip it and find another term.

4) Evidence VS Opinion

Find the style your essay requires before typing a single word. If it's a fact-based paper, you ought to research and find a lot of evidence beforehand. On the other hand, regarding literary and opinion-based assignments, you might as well get familiar with the topic and share your thoughts.

Be that as it may, evidence will always play a major role in essay writing. Including facts in your work shows that you've taken the time to review what others had to say in their studies. More often than not, it gives you credibility.

Following that thought, and as evident as it may sound, you're better off staying away from sources like Wikipedia. Find reliable and scholarly references to include in your essay - These might be databases, Google Scholar, and others.

5) State Your Position

When writing a paper or academic assignment, you often must state your position on the matter. The conclusion is the part in which you speak (write!) freely, without restraints.

You often have an opinion from the beginning of the essay. If you do, now it's time to support it with facts stated in the paper. A strong and well-written ending will give readers, teachers, or colleagues a lot to think about - And you'll probably get a good grade or recognition.

The Bottom Line

Writing an essay is not easy. Indeed, it takes a lot of practice and effort. But once you master it, you'll be able to share your inner thoughts and conclusions with the world in a refined manner.

The best tips from top-tier writers, as seen throughout the post, are as follows:

  • Less is more: If you can't explain it simply, you probably don't understand it well enough.
  • Mind maps: Create a structure before you type anything. It will help you organize your thoughts.
  • Synonyms: Don't repeat the same words too often. It sounds unprofessional and dull.
  • Research and evidence: Find reliable sources and do research on the topic before writing anything.
  • State your view: Conclude your paper with a strong and well-researched opinion to get the best reaction from readers.

Hopefully, this advice was helpful, and you'll write a much better essay next time. Don't aim for perfection straight away - It takes time!