Preparing Your Loved One To Move Into a Care Home
When the decision falls on your shoulders regarding the long-term care of your loved one, it can be very difficult to come to terms with. You want to look after them yourself, but you simply don’t have the time or resources to give them everything they need. There is a stigma around care homes which needs to be broken. In reality, they can be incredibly supportive, loving and prosperous environments for your aging parents or other family members. It’s important to consider all of your options before you move them into a care home; taking these preparations will make the whole process simple and smooth for everyone. Here are some of the key things you need to consider if you’re moving a loved one into a care home soon.
If you’re considering a care home for your parents or a loved one, you need to carefully consider how this is going to be financed. In most cases care homes are a significant monthly investment, so you need to make sure there are sufficient funds to cover the costs. You may want to look into elder law firm to avoid spending your life savings on a nursing home. When you plan ahead you’ll not only be able to protect your assets or your loved one’s assets, but you’ll also have a comprehensive plan to qualify for Medicaid. This is a logistical part of the process which shouldn’t be ignored, especially if you’re looking for a stress free future for your loved one.
Create a Routine
The elderly generally thrive on routine, so taking them out of their normal schedule can feel abrupt to them. Start to talk about what their new routine might look like and get the care home staff members involved. You may want to stick with the same visiting times and days to make sure their routine is as predictable as possible once they’ve made the big move.
Gather Sentimental Items
Going into a care home is a huge step for anyone to take. Not only is it a complete change in environment, but it is also an emotional change. Make sure your loved one has their comfort items such as blankets, pictures of family and other important items. If possible, talk to them openly about where they’re going and why they’re packing up their treasured belongings. Communicating with your loved one throughout the entire process will make everything easier and smoother from start to finish.
The process of moving a loved one into a care home can be complicated and fuelled with emotion, but you can make it simple and stress free if you take all of these ideas into account. Whether you’re assessing your loved one’s finances before you begin the process or you’re talking them through their potential schedule, every little step helps. Depending on the age and mental capacity of your loved one, everyone will approach this process differently. Be patient and supportive to those who need you, and ask as many questions as you need to the care home they’re moving into. The staff members will be more than happy to support their transition every step of the way.