Top Cosmetic Dentistry Options For Seniors To Restore Their Smile

Growing older does not mean your appearance and general health need to decline. With anti-aging procedures becoming so popular, it's no surprise that cosmetic dentistry is on the rise in seniors.

In addition to maintaining gum and oral health, dentistry can be just as beneficial to your appearance in general.

Anti-aging dentistry can offer seniors an opportunity to benefit from cosmetic dental work that could change their appearances and also their lives.

Oral health and appearance are crucial aspects of a person's overall health and well-being, much more than people realize.

A younger and healthy appearance, especially in your teeth and mouth, play a much bigger role in your everyday life than people realize.

In recent years technology in the dental industry has advanced rapidly, with new innovative technologies changing how dentistry can help people develop every year.

Dental implants

Dental implants are one of the best solutions for restoring missing teeth in adults. A dental implant is a screw placed into your jawbone for a crown to be attached. The screw allows your jawbone to fuse and grow around it.

According to dentists at The Smile Factory, as long as your jaw bone has stopped growing and is fully developed, anyone can apply for a dental implant.

This process and method of restoring teeth are one of the best solutions for missing teeth. Implants feel like natural teeth and are even more resistant to cracking or damage.

Dental implants are beneficial for preserving as much natural teeth structure as possible. In this procedure, your natural teeth around the implant don't need to be touched.


One of the most popular solutions to improving smiles in seniors is veneers. Veneers are shells to cover the surface of your existing teeth.

Veneers cover up cracks, chips, or other imperfections you want to cover in your natural teeth. Veneers can look like natural teeth with shades of white or cream, depending on the patient.

Veneers are a popular choice to maintain a beautiful smile, using porcelain coverings to mask imperfections such as small chips or discoloration.

Depending on the severity or intensity of the procedure, veneers can be put in, in one day, which makes them an effective solution to teeth improvement.

Dental Bridge

An alternative to dental implants is the method of dental bridges. This method is only viable when two healthy teeth are next to a missing tooth gap.

Dental bridges allow for a pontic implant in the missing spot, which connects to the crowns of the two healthy teeth.

A pontic is a false tooth connected to two healthy teeth at the crowns, creating a dental bridge of solid teeth.

Although the pontic placed is a “fake tooth” it appears as and is just as strong as a natural tooth.

Dental bridges are the perfect solution for seniors with individual missing teeth with two healthy teeth next to the space. Many Medicare plans offer health coverage for dental work to senior members

Cosmetic bonding

Cosmetic bonding offers a simple solution to a beautiful smile, with bonding, a composite material is used to fill in cracks or chips in damaged teeth.

Cosmetic bonding is much like veneers in the sense that a material is placed over the surface of the tooth to repair or improve the appearance.

A composite material that is usually used for fillings can be created in any shade of white, so cosmetic bonding creates a mask that looks just like natural teeth.

Depending on the severity of the repair cosmetic bonding can be used to fill in tiny cracks or cover damaged teeth entirely.

Many seniors worry about eating healthy when oral health begins to worry them, however, many solutions offered by cosmetic dentistry will still allow you to eat your favorite foods.

Teeth whitening

One of the simplest and least invasive methods of improving the appearance of your teeth is whitening.

Over time, teeth begin losing their white color due to various things, and food and drinking over the years begin to discolor your natural teeth.

Discolored teeth unfortunately make many people appear older and whiter teeth are associated with a youthful appearance.

Teeth whitening is purely a cosmetic procedure meant to improve the color and brightness of one's natural teeth.

Teeth whitening simply brightens darkened or discolored teeth with bleaching agents and doesn't offer any sort of repair to damaged teeth.


Orthodontics is the best process for straightening teeth and improving their appearance. This procedure isn’t suited for all seniors, however.

Orthodontics is usually a procedure done for younger people they can, however, straighten teeth in older patients.

Braces for adults are more difficult to maneuver due to the solid nature of their developed jaw and mouth structure.

Many patients prefer orthodontics recently for a more youthful appearance, over the past few years, orthodontics has been a big hit in more adult patients.

In addition to straightening teeth, orthodontics can benefit the patient by helping maintain a younger-looking jaw structure by altering their facial structure.