
Learn about all aspects regarding senior living including tips for moving, downsizing, and retirement information. Get Prices & Availability for communities across the United States. Also learn about the latest technology, health tips, caregiver information, and much more.

The Stress-Relieving Benefits Of Spending Time In The Garden

February 20, 2024

The Stress-Relieving Benefits Of Spending Time In The Garden Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie with a green thumb, you'll likely agree that there's something inherently calming about tending to plants, digging in the soil, and watching your garden grow.

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Early Onset Care: How to Plan for a Parent With Dementia

February 20, 2024

Early-onset dementia is any type of dementia that affects someone under 65 years old. This can happen to people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

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4 Questions to Ask When Exploring Assisted Living Options

February 20, 2024

As the decision to transition a loved one into assisted living is often marked by a myriad of emotions, from relief to guilt and everything in between, ensuring that the new home can provide the support and lifestyle needed is crucial. In your quest for the ideal assisted living community, a thorough vetting is essential.

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5 Ways Caregivers Can Maintain Social Connections

February 16, 2024

Hey caregivers! Balancing social life and caregiving is tough but crucial. You're doing a fantastic job, but don't forget about your own needs. With over 2.65 million Australians in caregiving roles, per Carers Australia, you're not alone in this. Let’s dive into five top tips to keep your social spark alive and feel supported.

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Ultimate Guide to Managing Injuries in Senior Loved Ones

February 16, 2024

Caring for an elderly family member or friend presents a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to the health and safety of our seniors. With advanced age come several vulnerabilities, making older adults more prone to various injuries.

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Understanding Accounting Services: 6 Interesting Facts We Need to Understand

February 16, 2024

Accounting services play a pivotal role in the financial health of businesses, providing a structured framework for recording, analyzing, and interpreting financial transactions.

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How Horse Therapy Can Improve Seniors Health

February 16, 2024

We all know that being around our pets can have many positive benefits on our mood, and the situation is the same for our elder loved ones. But a cat and a dog can have only mental health benefits for seniors, whereas being active around horses can also have some physical health benefits for elderlies.

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Smile Renewed: Embracing Comfort and Confidence

February 16, 2024

Overview Good oral health is an important aspect to maintain for overall health and quality of life, especially as we get older. In this article, we’ll focus on how seniors can maintain their oral health, including:

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What are the Common Forms of Elder Abuse?

February 16, 2024

Elder abuse is a deeply concerning and widespread issue that demands our collective attention. As our society ages, it becomes increasingly crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various forms of elder abuse, identify the warning signs, and take decisive action to prevent and address these instances.

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What Damages are Recoverable After a Wrongful Death?

February 16, 2024

Losing a loved one is an agonizing experience, and when that loss occurs due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, it becomes a wrongful death.

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