
Learn about all aspects regarding senior living including tips for moving, downsizing, and retirement information. Get Prices & Availability for communities across the United States. Also learn about the latest technology, health tips, caregiver information, and much more.

Get Ready to Retire with These 3 Simple Steps

February 15, 2022

As you approach the build-up to retirement, the need to implement plans for a happy retirement intensifies.

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Antibiotic Resistance: What It Is and How Much You Can Prevent It

February 15, 2022

The discovery of antibiotics was a game-changer that revolutionized medicine in the twentieth century. In the United States alone, more than 150 million prescriptions for antibiotics are made each year. Bacteria, unfortunately, are adapting to the medications and growing more resistant to treatment.

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Social Commitments: How Students Help Seniors

February 15, 2022

The last couple of years, even though they were marked by a tremendous technological evolution, were described by loneliness too. And this is more pregnant especially nowadays, in the era of Covid. Elders are known to experience high levels of loneliness as they grow old.

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3 Lifestyle Changes That May Help Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

February 14, 2022

Age-related memory loss can cause you to forget where you put your car keys. Moreover, dementia could be as simple as forgetting what the keys do. This is a term used to describe a person's progressive loss of memory and other cognitive functions that are severe enough to impede everyday activities.

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4 Things To Consider When Caring For An Elderly Parent

February 4, 2022

Are you thinking about taking on the role of carer for your elderly parent who is starting to lose their independence and needs extra support. This is a big decision and here are some factors to keep in mind.

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Age In Place For Less

February 3, 2022

Seniors who age in place have a better quality of life, according to studies. While aging in place is cheaper than moving into a care facility, it’s still an expensive thing to do.

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What To Do Now To Help You To Age Well

February 2, 2022

Aging is inevitable. The human lifespan is not fixed and it is subject to many changes. As people age, they need to adjust their lifestyle to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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The Vital Qualities Of Good Care

February 2, 2022

Whatever your personal reason might be for needing care, and whatever kind of care it is you need, it’s important to make sure that you are always getting exactly the quality of care that you are in need of.

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6 Care Tips For Senior Loved Ones

January 28, 2022

Care for elderly relatives should be done with compassion, love, and patience as much as possible. Despite the discomfort, keep in mind that they are not wholly reliant on you or others for their well-being. We recommend that you spend some time educating yourself on proper pet care.

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Tooth Replacement Options For Missing Teeth

January 28, 2022

A missing tooth is not something you would want to live with. For one thing, it can cause a plethora of issues, if left untreated. Losing even a single tooth could negatively impact your oral health as well as confidence. It can also affect your chewing ability, speech ability; not to mention the integrity of your entire jawbone.

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