Casa De Sonshine Assisted Living is a superb assisted living community in Green Valley, Arizona. It is within enjoyable Pima County which is part of the Grand Canyon State.
At Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living, homes are located in residential neighborhoods, and are the preferred living arrangement of most elderly who can no longer live independently. The cost is about half as much as a nursing home and the care is much more individualized.
It is the goal of Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living Home to make the lives of their residents wholesome and enjoyable. A safe, healthy and socially enriching environment is the key to maximizing the potential of each resident. Casa de Sonshine is located on 1 acre in beautiful Green Valley, AZ, with a lovely view of the Santa Rita Mountains.
Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living Home has a wonderful, sunny, homey atmosphere. All 10 residents have their own private bedrooms. Rooms come furnished or residents can decorate and use their own furnishings. Living Room and Dining Room are shared by all residents. Our senior home has a grassy backyard, abundant flowers, plentiful bird viewing on the beautiful back patio with views of the Santa Rita Mountains.
We provide daily assistance with personal care and other needs. Home-cooked meals are served in a family-like setting and medications are monitored for safe use as ordered by the residents' doctor. If you're looking for an assisted living facility in Green Valley, AZ, Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living is the only name you can rely on.
When it comes to senior living, no one can approach our level of dedication. Our senior home is unrivaled in Green Valley and we always live up to your expectations because we hold ourselves to a higher standard and never settle for less. With our dementia care, we know you'll be more than pleased with the staff.
Our skills are unmatched and our caregivers give their best because you deserve nothing less. Let us know what you need and how we can help. If you have any questions about respite care, don't hesitate to ask. Get in touch with Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living today.
Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living is known for our long term senior care and compassion. Each client will receive our full effort and attention because we are committed to your quality of life. Thanks to our caregivers, we have been recognized for excellence.
You can always depend on us in Green Valley because we never let you down. Our 24 hour senior care is outstanding and Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living wants the opportunity to prove it to you. When you think of assisted senior living, we know that Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living will be the first name that comes to mind in Green Valley, AZ, because no one does a better job.
Casa de Sonshine Assisted Living has worked hard to earn our reputation. We’ve had great success in respite care because we understand that every client has different needs. Your time is important because meeting your expectations is our priority. For senior living assistance, we are the ones to call.