BeeHive Homes of Sierra Vista provides quality assisted living in a comfortable, family-like setting. BeeHive Homes of Sierra Vista is open to all those who need assistance with activities of daily living.
Our caregivers are committed to the health and happiness of each of our residents. Our low staff-to-resident ratio allows us to provide a higher level of care, where many assisted living facilities have too many residents and not enough staff. This means our caregivers get to know the needs of residents individually and can cater to their care accordingly.
Our residents enjoy the following amenities:
Private rooms – Each BeeHive resident has a private room and private bath.
Fully furnished rooms – For those who need furnishings, BeeHive Homes offers rooms that are fully furnished. Of course if this is not needed, residents are welcome to use private furnishings.
Personal touch – Everyone should have their own home. This is why we encourage residents to decorate their rooms with their own personal touch.
Fabulous food – All of the meals at BeeHive Homes are wonderful. Not only are they delicious, but they are all dietitian approved.
A lively home – Activities, field trips, and exercise programs enhance the BeeHive Homes experience. Keeping a healthy body and mind requires activity.
Come on in! – Family participation is welcome and encouraged–summer barbecues, holiday parties, and celebrations of special occasions are all a part of life at BeeHive Home.
AND MORE – Community sponsored events–Alzheimer’s Trio, Miniature Pony Show, and worship services for various denominations–are just a few.