Brentwood Health Care Center
Brentwood, CA - Assisted Living, Nursing Home
Community size: Small (1-10)

Brentwood Health Care Center is a skilled nursing facility in Santa Monica. We provide 24-hour skilled care and rehabilitation services in a comfortable and friendly environment. At Brentwood Health Care Center, caring is our main concern. We believe the most effective way to provide compassionate care is to maintain high medical integrity, build a team spirit among staff and provide friendly, beautiful surroundings for our patients and their visitors. Although most transitions can be challenging, we strive to facilitate that process with an environment where our patients and guests feel informed and comfortable. Our team of qualified professionals helps patients recover from surgery, injury or serious illness. We understand the importance of creating a comfortable and nurturing atmosphere, whether our patients are here for short-term treatment or long term care.
The care in our facility focuses on differing populations of individuals. Many residents in our population are comprised of patients requiring several days or weeks of medical care and therapy before they can safely return home or to a lower level of care.
The remaining population are individuals who require long-term skilled nursing care (lasting weeks, months or years) as they are unable to return home due to advanced age or illness. Based on each individual’s needs, some patients receive rehabilitation (therapy) services to either restore or if possible, improve to prior physical functioning. For the individual needing long-term skilled nursing care, the attending physician and facility staff will assist the individual with daily activities and mobility. It is important to understand that advancing age brings with it the inevitable effects of aging.
As the aging process advances, our nursing services will shift to end-of-life care. The staff at our facility will provide as much comfort as possible as the end of life nears. We cannot predict exactly when end-of-life care will begin; it very much depends on each individual’s ever declining health condition which is a part of every human being’s life. It is important to discuss with your physician and facility caregivers the natural history of the aging process. This “natural history” refers to the expected progression of an illness or aging process based on vast medical studies. For some, these inevitable effects of aging will weaken an individual and may hasten the end of life. These events are routinely part of the natural history of the illness or death. This is commonly referred to as: ‘death by natural causes.’
Due to the inevitable effects of aging, circumstances in declining health conditions often create incurable declines. It is important that we be candid with all patients and their families.
Your attending physician and our facility staff will help you understand the risks and benefits of care choices. We ask you to understand that in spite of compassionate care, attention, and treatment, chronic medical conditions may continue to progress. The inevitable effects of aging and the progression of chronic illnesses are the realities of life, but Brentwood Health Care Center will provide quality long-term care with compassion and dedication as the aging process continues.

Real Estate Agent
Don Magalhaes