Autumn Manor

Simi Valley, CA - Assisted Living

Community size: Small (1-10)

Autumn Manor and Simi Valley Residential Care facilities are facilities for the elderly licensed by the Department of Social Services/Community Care Licensing.  Each facility has a maximum capacity of six (6) beds, thus, assuring you of a close and personal level of care.  There are nine (9) facilities located in and serving the community of Simi Valley and surrounding areas for over twenty years.  All facilities are licensed to admit both ambulatory and non-ambulatory residents.

Our residents are welcome to our facilities during their aging process, disease process and in the most challenging condition as the disease progresses.  We coordinate care plans with the home health agencies or hospice agencies who will assist in the resident's long-term stay at our facilities.   Our commitment to provide care and services to our community extends to the end stage of life.

The facility continues to offer training to staff and support to family in understanding different diagnoses of the residents.  An open communication line is encouraged between the resident/family members and the facility staff for a better relationship during crisis.

Residents with dementia are welcome in our facilities.  A proven study states that resident with dementia thrives most in a smaller environment with minimal changes of staff.  The facility staff undergo training hours as required by the Department of Social Services.  In addition to the required hours, continuous training is provided to better understand the disease.  Dementia residents' symptoms and manifestations differ individually.  Family's feedback, input and cooperation will help our staff provide the care they need in our facility.

As our residents are admitted, the facility staff are made aware of their medical history and current diagnosis.  The staff are trained on the different medications, the purpose and use, side effects and untoward effects.  The staff are trained to monitor the physical condition of the resident.  The staff are also trained to communicate with the residents' primary care physicians on any observations and change in conditions they have noted. 

The facility dining areas are set up differently in each facility.  They are well lit up with open concept to encourage good appetite on the residents.  It is decorated as simple as possible to it does not create clutter and confusion on our frail elderly.  The area is spacious to accommodate wheelchairs and other medical equipment they may have to assist them in their mobility.

Our facility provide home cooked food.  All meals are prepared from fresh vegetable and meat.  The meals are well planned to provide a well balance nutrition.

It is a part of our evaluation and interview  process of residents, prior to admission, that we asked a list of their favorite food. We believe that keeping their stomach content will make them happy residents.  We try to provide the food that they will eat and be healthy.  It is in this stage that their digestive system needs more fibers and fluids, with that in mind, we monitor the input and output and their level of comfort.

Our facilities offers social activities.  Our focus is to keep our residents active, socially and emotionally, for good quality of life as an end result.  Our activities are planned carefully with residents' capabilities and abilities in mind.  Disabilities do not hinder our residents to participate in our social activities.  Our activities are formulated to enable our residents to enjoy the routine of life, such as: grocery shopping, enjoying a cup of coffee and donuts at the senior center, breakfast at local diner and other routine activities during their independence.  All our residents are assisted and supervised by attendant during the out-of-facility activities for safety.  We utilize community resources to enrich our activities.  Family involvement is very much encouraged to ensure a feeling of belonging among residents and family.

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Rodeo Realty Inc - San Fernando Valley

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