The Oberon House

Arvada, CO - Assisted Living

Community size: Large (26-100)

The Oberon House is locally owned and managed. We know we can never take the place of family. We are committed to providing a loving environment that “feels like home.”

Our staff is well trained in the art of being sensitive to the unique needs and characteristics of each resident. At the Oberon, we work closely with you to develop a care plan that addresses resident needs, preferences, security and safety. The care of our residents is our highest priority, whether is be physical needs, social encouragement, or the basics like meals, medication administration, housekeeping and laundry.

Nursing home care is expensive and very often unnecessary. Alongside a thoughtful social approach that will contribute to your family member’s quality of life, our staff will provide ongoing assessments and observation to prevent and/or delay costly health services. Listening to our families, it is clear that a resident’s stay at The Oberon House should be extended for as long as possible. We work to ensure that unnecessary moves are avoided.

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