Imagine a time in your life when you have the freedom to do exactly as you please.
Then imagine a place where you can do all that on your terms – and still have the complete peace of mind that comes only with the guarantee of comprehensive continuing care. That place … is The Mayflower – the gold standard for retirement communities in Central Florida.
Work out in a Tai Chi class. Enjoy an in-room massage. Take a gourmet dining excursion. Debate political issues. Take a class at nearby Rollins College.
At The Mayflower, you can do “all of the above” (or none of them, if you prefer) – tailoring a maintenance-free lifestyle that meets your personal interests in an environment that’s more like a luxury resort than a retirement community. All with the peace of mind that comes only with the guarantee of continuing care.

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Video Transcript
Time: 0 min 30 sec
at the Mayflower retirement community every day is an adventure where you can enjoy the beauty of nature have fun relax make a splash live life to the fullest your way because with maintenance free living and the security of continuing care you have the freedom to do whatever you want and there's nothing old about that the Mayflower your own personal retirement resort [Music]
Video Transcript
Time: 6 min 3 sec
winter park has a special ambience and and and so does the Mayflower it's sometimes I think to myself it it sort of looks like a nice resort it's energizing it's interesting it's fun it's good friendships above all I think it's helpful it was one of the best decisions I've ever made the more I thought about it the more I came and looked at the place I thought that's the place for me the healthcare is superior to almost everything that we looked at we always knew the Mayflower was the place for us we were very happy to make the move even in the short time we've been here I'd say we keep saying to ourselves we made a good choice I'm sorry we didn't come sooner waiting really doesn't make sense don't one lovely the Mayflower once it got here so it's just a very wonderful transition for us we never look back you just take advantage we have the opportunity to take advantage of it here it's beautiful setting many places in Mayflower you're looking at the greenery a wildlife the birds the ducks the otters yeah we even had occasion to see hawkers so you know that's kind of fun I'm still able to drive and I've got my car and when I want to go somewhere I go somebody to do your laundry somebody to cook your dinner somebody to help you work out even if you sort of reluctant to do it and just people being nice nice nice when something breaks I call you know whether it's a sprinkler head or furnace or refrigerator you call maintenance and they're there that day it's number I adore this place because I'm fanatic about working out I'm in the pool every day for 45 minutes to an hour I'm doing physical therapy exercises and I also have a couple of pieces of equipment in the fitness center that I use for balance training there's a whole walking culture of people that know each other and greet each other and your daily walk through the better five they are a garden and the rose garden I love the fitness center and they have a yoga course which is absolutely renewing and I try to take that twice a week the amount of exercise options here is simply astonishing we have taken the lifelong learning classes for the last two years and those are really interesting because you can take subjects that were not required in college and things that you're interested in different things at this point in your life and so that was being fostered by the lifelong learning classes there are everything from Tai Chi to physics I take part they have here several lectures a month with art literature and things like that I attend those because I like the arts I participated as the instructors started the computer class here in the last couple years I wanted to learn more about Apple and the iPad so I volunteered that started iPad class I'd love the people I knew my mother had great friends but I had no idea how many delightful interesting people there were here to interact with and so I've made lovely friends that was not expected anywhere near to the degree that has happened because I still live the same life I lived before I've just added to it I now have 200 more friends as you get to know them like any friendship oh you say huh here we go again it's the friends that we had met are absolutely amazing and interesting and that makes a big difference I was asked to join the mayflower singers which I have done I learned how to read music a little bit I've never done anything like that before in my life we really liked that part of a life here of a community it's really friendly everybody comes here like you're going off to college and you're meeting new people so it was very supportive of new people who come in but there's so many people here that care about you that look out for you you look out for them that it's almost its own village I feel much safer here than I would by myself at home and the Mayflower we have daily contact with members inside and that's a really nice there's an awful lot of nice people to spend time my father had a really annoying saying which getting older is not for sissies and I can tell that at the Mayflower there are very few sissies people get older they have ailments but they carry on they live interesting lives they participate they care about others so you you see this vitality in the older people like we have one that's 105 and she walks around the lake every single day and that's very encouraging to me because it lets me know that I've got a full life ahead of me for the next number of years basically I'm having a very good time I am happy I would say it's the best place that I've ever lived you