Parkview Assisted Living is a grand assisted living community in Fairbank, Iowa. It is within dynamic Buchanan County which is part of the Hawkeye State.
Parkview Assisted Living allows you to have semi-independent living in your own apartment, with homemade meals and a fun-loving atmosphere.
Parkview offers the socialization aspect. Many people don't realize how lonely they really are until they come into an assisted living setting and have the option of eating with other, talking with others or simply just being around others.
Parkview is the state certified facility, governed by the Department of Inspections and Appeals. This means that at a minimum, every 2 years, DIA comes into the building and inspects the building, all files, as well as interviews employees and resident.
Level I: Standard Amenities
Planned social and recreational activities, use of common areas, utilities including heat, water, and electricity (phone not included), cable television, individualized plan of care, weekly housekeeping, flat linen laundry service, access to on-site hair salon, self-service coin-free laundry facilities, 24 hour staff, administration fees, 24 hour state of the art emergency response “life line”, security and reassurance provided by 24 hour staff, facility maintenance, trash removal, smoke detectors, sprinkler system, individual locked mailboxes, real estate taxes and occasional use of call system (less than 5 calls per month).
Level II: Moderate Care
All of the above stated amenities in Level I, medication assistance (staff registered nurse sets up medications, manages medications, and staff gives reminder to take medication), shower assistance (two times weekly), on call nurse notification (once per month), and continuous monitoring by staff, 15 minutes of dressing/undressing and grooming as requested, as well as supervision, monitoring, re-direction, cognitive assistance, and reminders to arrive timely for meals if necessary, and moderate us of call system (6-12 calls per month).
Level III: Intermediate Care
All of the above stated amenities in Level I & II plus occasional assistance with incontinence care, weekly laundry service, 30 minutes of dressing/undressing and grooming per day, more frequent registered nurse monitoring, routine escort service, reminders and assistance to arrive safely and timely for meals, and frequent use of call system (12-30 calls per month). Note this level can only be in use by a resident for one month, with the understanding that improvement will be made.