Betty's Garden Memory Care of Kewanee is an appealing assisted living community in Kewanee, Illinois. It is within exceptional Henry County which is part of the Prairie State.
Small-scale, homelike settings are the most beneficial to those with Alzheimer’s disease because they foster a social, senior living community environment. And residents are more relaxed and engaged in familiar and comfortable surroundings that remind them of home. In Betty’s Garden, we provide the perfect setting for those affected by dementia, and our Betty’s Garden Kewanee location now offers updated services for memory care including:
- State of the art call light system.
- Security cameras throughout available to employees using smart phone technology.
- New updated programming including the use of new tablet computers available for family use.
- New innovate features including automated lighting system to help prevent falls.
In addition, Betty’s Garden of Kewanee is the first free-standing memory care facility in the area to offer the latest in Memory Care programming in addition to the technology that supports cognitive function in addition to physical, social and emotional function. Betty’s Garden can offer various programs to help those with Alzheimer’s Disease transition into our environment, including Senior Daycare offered daily and Respite stay options.
Betty’s Garden Memory features 24-hour engagement that provides our tenants a high level of safety and security while providing a homelike atmosphere for both our tenants and their families.
Betty’s Garden is an ideal care giving alternative for the time when home is no longer the optimal environment for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Our Coming Home program was designed exclusively for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and has proven a welcome answer for tenants and families alike.
Coming Home is a comprehensive enrichment program for Betty’s Garden, which is designed to ensure an all-encompassing, fulfilling experience for every tenant. It fosters daily interaction with tenants of Betty’s Garden in these areas: Creative / expressive, physical, social, cognitive, and emotional / spiritual. Coming Home utilizes a hands-on approach to daily engagement where the act of doing enforces memory and physical health, sparks creativity and expression, promotes social interaction, and ensures overall well-being. The Coming Home schedule provides structure and depth to the community’s daily routine, with the opportunity to individualize activities based on each tenant’s uniqueness and the distinctive atmosphere of each community. Coming Home provides a sense of consistency and balance, uses cues to establish different times of day, and rotates busy times with periods of rest. Set routines help create an almost automatic motion, and reduce stress and worry for tenants, families, and caregivers.
A little respite goes a long way toward a healthy life balance.
Short breaks in the ongoing routine of caregiving can rejuvenate the caregiver with a well-deserved vacation, by allowing more time for family and friends, or with just getting a good night’s sleep!
Our expert caretakers are specially trained in Alzheimer’s and dementia care issues. Our professional staff is available 24-hours a day to give prompt care, so our attention is always focused on our tenants. Medications are accurately managed to ensure proper and timely dosage. Tenants are carefully monitored to keep hydrated. Three balanced meals and home-baked snacks, planned by a registered dietitian, are lovingly prepared right in our own kitchens each day. Housekeeping and laundry services are provided on a daily basis in all of our memory care facilities.