Pinecrest Community is a Christian nonprofit continuing care retirement community located in the heart of beautiful Ogle County in the village of Mt. Morris in northwestern Illinois, just south of Rockford and 110 miles west of Chicago.
Since 1893, Pinecrest has been serving the regional community with best-in-class retirement and nursing home care. At our lovely pine-dappled campus you will find all you need for retirement in our continuing care environment including a state-of-the-art Alzheimer's unit.
As you peruse our site you will find detailed information on the amenities we have to offer, the experience we have to share, and the caring, friendly staff and residents that belong to our tight-knit community. Pinecrest is more than just a great place to live, it is a place to call home.
Pinecrest is known for our commitment to quality care and it shows in the faces of our staff and residents. Whether you are looking for a place to retire or need specialized care and attention Pinecrest is surely the best place to be.

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Video Transcript
Time: 7 min 34 sec
living here is just excellent we get wonderful care you're independent you can do as much as you want or as little as you want to it's wonderful it's a best decision I ever made my life really here after my wife passed away why it was the place for me it's not surprising that Pine Crest residents described their living here in those terms the community known as Pine Crest is the product of the people when 1893 decided to create a place to care for older adults the Pine Crest was established as the Brethren home by a group of church serving congregations in this area that really took from the scriptures that mandate to care for orphans and widows it since evolved into a residential community offering a range of living options from completely dependence to skilled nursing care Pine Crest mission is really about providing excellent care for seniors no matter what stage of life they're in whether they're active for independence and able to care for themselves and maybe just need a little more socialization than they get at their home or whether they're meeting secure memory care or or more hands-on care in a nursing home setting Pine Crest a not-for-profit continuing care retirement community is one of the area's highest rated retirement facilities it's a community known for our strong commitment to caring for each person who lives here it's very family atmosphere that they become our second family and everyone's very close the staff here cares it's just built into working here caring about the people there's a nice sense of history that people have you know everybody knows about somebody's relative or whatever and so they can check with each other residents who receive more direct health care certainly feel that way but so to do those who live more independently in the apartment and cottages of Pine Crest building they certainly do care about us they really look after us if we don't show up for a meal they're looking for us we are never alone here if we want to somebody to talk to we won't know there's always someone to talk to that greets you with a smile and it's just a wonderful atmosphere there's always activities that you can participate in I like to play cards lowly plans all kinds of activities for us it's just a great great place to be darzee can prepare meals in the full kitchen in her own apartment if she wants or if you can join your village neighbors in the modern dining room the meals are served twice a day it's a kind of arrangement to put starties family at ease knowing she's well cared for a common theme among families of residence here my kids love this place they're ones that really said hey there this is what you need to do and this is where I'm at and this is what God has blessed me with my thinking forward for Nelson and Jo Ann Miller a home in the Pine Crest Grove a 20 acre development for active adults on the edge of the Pine Crest campus has been a perfect place to retire we came from a large home so of course it's easier to take care of and here we have enough ground we can garden whatever we want I've got a little garden to veggies nothing into his flowers so we recommend this to say when it came to the pointed life but I need to be considering downsizing and that was a great thing took some doing but was well worth it one of the benefits of living at Pine Crest is easy access to the new community center home of several shops a Wellness Center computer lab physical therapy services and a large Performing Arts Center what programs for the community occur regularly residents in the manor enjoy a host of different excellent medical care and daily nondenominational chapel services building upon the historic commitment to meeting both the physical and the spiritual needs of residents Pine Crest has maintained a tradition of always having spiritual focus and offering opportunities to to grow into worship and to nurture a spiritual part of their lives a mutually beneficial relationship with the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford gives Pine Crest residents regular access to quality health care it's an age group that often gets neglected for me it's a lot of fun just there you get to see the real personalities of the people involved you really get to help some people with some very difficult decisions in how much care they need how much they want it's a vulnerable time of life it's fun to be able to help people during that time I was a family physician for 35 years in Western Illinois and I saw the good quality of care a separate part of the matter is Pine Crest Terrace a state-of-the-art wing for people with Alzheimer's disease and memory care needs with programs and activities that emphasize what residents are still able to do to maintain what they have so that we don't do what it's called to progress the disease further than what you need to make them more disabled than what the disease actually does so the staff is encouraged to always be with them to do activities to allow the residents to be at their highest level of care independent an innovative art communication program called Colonia memory helps residents reconnect with their past express themselves and share some of their lifetime memories while we throughout all of the living options at Pine Crest is a commitment to being a true community not just people who live near one another the people who care and serve one another for most of us who work here at Pine Crest our residents become like family to us and we become family to them it's really loving them and becoming a part of their family to us through the years Pine Crest has found new ways of being family and welcome to those of all walks of life my family has expressed that to me how happy they are that I am here and they know they don't have to worry about me and you know for your own good come on you can still enjoy it don't wait until you have to come because you're not able to take care of yourself come and enjoy the fellowship of Pine Crest and it's a great way to spend this time of your life it's a place built upon a legacy of excellence and service to others no the Pine Crest is turned away because they have exhausted the financial resources when that happens members of the community are supported by contributions to Pine Crest good samaritan fund i look at it as a mission that i hope i've done for them what i would want done for myself for my own family it's a place where a strong Christian heritage guides the effort to enable seniors to the rich rewarding lives and here's some soul questionnaire [Music] you