A vibrant community...Throughout the years, more buildings were erected as needs changed and the community became a safe haven for aged brethren in the Masonic fraternity, their widows and orphans, and members of the Eastern Star. Now, as Compass Park, the community is open to Indiana adults ages 55 plus, with two vibrant independent-living communities, garden homes and apartments, assisted living apartments, and a Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for those who need more intensive levels of care.
Open to adults ages 55+, Compass Park is a vast 320-acre community with a beautiful clock tower and fountain at its hub. Our residents enjoy vibrant, active lifestyles. We have two neighborhoods, lighted trails, two chapels, a putting green, a greenhouse and even our own health center. Our Wellness Center and swimming pool are located inside our new Community and Event Center, which also provides a lovely setting for our residents and the community to host events large and small.
Real Estate Agent
Amy Cox
Crossroads Real Estate Group