Like the famous tree that grows from the courthouse tower in downtown Greensburg, IN, Aspen Place Health Campus is a vibrant addition to the local community. Offering Assisted Living, Memory Care, Skilled Nursing, and Short-Term Care, our community echoes the deep values of our small town. Here, we live with curiosity and optimism, laugh among friends, and love our neighbors and extended family as our own. Our continuum of care ensures that our residents receive the personalized support they need in the moment. From our culinary team to each and every caregiver, it’s always our goal to create a culture in which residents and family can feel relaxed, fulfilled, and empowered to pursue the pleasures and opportunities that appeal to them.
At Aspen Place Health Campus, we understand that every individual is unique, and will benefit best from a program of care that reflects their specific needs and concerns. That said, we like to think we don’t put the cart before the horse. In our community you can expect excellent care, whether through Assisted Living that attends to daily tasks, Skilled Nursing that provides quality clinical support, or Memory Care. Whichever living option you choose for yourself or your loved one, we’ll help provide happiness, joyful engagement, and contentment every day.
Recovery time after an illness or injury is essential to restoring one’s strength and confidence after a setback. Aspen Place Health Campus offers Short-Term Rehabilitation and Outpatient Therapies that provide the encouragement and wellness support that seniors need to come back strong. Whether you or your loved one require a brief stay or a longer period of care, our state-of-the-art therapies and dedicated care teams inspire residents to feel their best. With our Adult Day services and Respite Care programs, we get the chance to share our energetic, fun-loving, and supportive community with short-term residents, and give caregiving families a little space to take a breath and enjoy a break.
Not to toot our own horn (OK, maybe just a little), but our Signature Programs are something to brag about at Aspen Place Health Campus. Our monthly calendar is packed with fun events and occasions for enrichment. There’s no boring busy work here. Residents thrive via our Vitality movement classes, Lifelong Learning courses, and Inspirational Services. Our Live a Dream program matches seniors with a long-held aspiration, from riding in a hot air balloon to taking a special trip, and makes it happen, proving there is no age limit on dreaming.
For most of us, food and dining plays an important role in our everyday. The chefs at Aspen Place Health Campus take their mission to heart, creating delicious menus packed with old favorites and new, tempting creations. Meals are a wonderful time to come together as a community and enjoy a lovingly prepared dish in our elegant dining room, invitingly set with beautiful china and linens. We spice things up every so often with events like Taste of the Town, when a local restaurant comes to us to show off its specialties. We even encourage residents to weigh in on their favorite recipes and offer suggestions! From summer barbecues to Sunday brunch, every meal is something to look forward to and savor at Aspen Place Health Campus.
From a little help to a lot, we have you covered at Aspen Place Health Campus. Our staff is here to help you get settled into our community, get to important appointments, and of course, get back to doing what you love.
At Trilogy Health Services, we promise that our customer service will exceed your expectations.