Peabody Retirement Community
North Manchester, IN - Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Independent Living, CCRC

We’re honored our Life Plan retirement community has become a preferred choice for seniors and families in North Manchester, Indiana. Peabody senior living offers the warmth, vitality, and home-like details that inspire the ageless spirit and make residents feel right at home.
Consider Lindsay Place Garden Homes and Village Patio Homes for independent living, James B. Peabody Inn Apartments for assisted living to help with the activities of daily living, and our health care neighborhoods for loved ones who need exceptional memory support or long-term care.
Need rehab care? Our Rehab to Home inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative senior care services help people of all ages get back to home and life. It’s just one more way we continue to celebrate the ageless spirit every day at Peabody.
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Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 39 sec
On 33 acres in North Manchester, Indiana, Peabody Retirement Community offers a complete range of residential and healthcare senior living options including neighborhoods for independent living cottages, assisted living apartments, rehabilitation, skilled nursing and memory care. This wellness-oriented lifestyle offers countless opportunities to celebrate the ageless spirit. To learn more, please visit:
I think the unique thing about Peabody is our residents when you come to Peabody you're going to be invited to participate in all the different amenities that we have and you're going to feel like you're part of the family my life has done a one-eighty socially since I came here and I have so many things to do and so much to choose from and there's no pressure to do anything I can do anything I want to do and just pick and choose and it's just it's just so much fun we really haven't gotten involved as with as many different things as we would like to but one of the things that we really enjoyed was a trip to Brown County it was an overnight stay and we thoroughly enjoyed that it's so wonderful to see those residents who move into our independent living homes just gather and create new friendships and enjoy whether it's just a drink on the patio or a stroll through the Lindsay garden gazebo area they just really enjoy that friendship that's created here on campus one thing too that I've noticed about health care is the staff bits there I do a lot of walking all over the interior of key body which is quite large and this staff is so friendly if I would ever need it I almost feel like it's my home before I even been there the fact that Peabody's is a pet friendly environment was very important to me because i have a small dog I love walking my dog on the grounds it's just a wonderful environment and I like that having compared it to other area continuing care groups we found a special warmth here it seemed that the staff were not just selling us something but it was almost like an invitation when I talked to my friends about Peabody I tell them that I am just absolutely having a blast in fact they know I'm having a blast because they call me and they say Nancy you're having such a good time at Peabody we want to come up and see what it's all about I just love to show it off it's just a lot it's just a great place you
Video Transcript
Time: 10 min 7 sec
there's a graciousness about PIPA that defies the traditional definition of an old folks home this is a place for living I said this is home and that's what it is it's a wonderful home I think anyone that is contemplating leaving their home for a retirement situation needs to come visit it's beautiful inside and out and we have everything we need for a good living you couldn't find a nicer place I enjoy it here it gives me a relaxation I didn't have prior to coming here there's a specialness about Peabody and I think it's it's a caring atmosphere from the people that work in the kitchen clear through the the administrator they really do care and it shows we feel it I definitely get a satisfaction out of being here with the residents I've had some of these folks ask me to go over to the to the McDonald's or something and have a hamburger with him at night the pets are very important here in this area we have birds at the birdie aviary and the cat and one of our residents out in the apartment brings his dog Rusty in back when they were able to walk and get around a lot they went to the park and took a stroll well now we're bringing the park to them I visited a lot of retirement homes and I have never found another place that I have seen that had the feeling of caring for people well the mission of the Peabody retirement community is really to provide a Christian atmosphere and a high quality of life for older adults it's it's a mission of the Presbyterian Church carried out through the Peabody Board of Trustees this is a community of shared values in the sense that it represents the church's desire that elderly people here should should have a safe place to be and a way in which they can grow and reach their own full potential and and continue to be very active you're the respect attention care if they need a little happy and that's what I think anybody can do there are some people come in here that are wealthy there are some command that are on Medicaid and they're all treated the same they definitely don't throw you out if you run out of money all retirement homes are expensive in the in the estimation of the people that are going into it but when you're once in there I think it's worth every penny that that you spend for the reason that it eliminates the worry that we would have if we were not here she real enjoys the campus sir Peabody a lot she can participate in as many activities that she would like or she can go off for she doesn't have to get involved if she doesn't want to and she she really likes that and that was one of the reasons that I came to Peabody because they can guarantee me a swim over the pool around here I'm rich Craner I don't have money but I'm rich I got friends they're having a great time I have some good lives every day and nice companionship and and the food is wonderful no one has talked about that and I don't think it would find better for any other place I think there's a good feeling between the town and p-body community it's a part of North Manchester that's a part of life and sister life and hopefully they'll go on forever you know many times older adults are hesitant to leave their own home and move anywhere to give up my home what I'm very happy here people who do it sooner rather than later enjoy a Baltimore movie is the thing a big thing and and selling your home and and your belongings you are going to be and deciding what you want to keep better what you don't and it's just a big thing and so do it while you're young and while you can do it yourself and then it'll be done right from independent living in a house of your own or for a couple the apartments which have been built recently the resident houses and all the way to the nursing home and the hospital so that is but we call a continuing care home I came in in the health center and I didn't think I was going to leave it and I have no fears about going back to it because such a nice place my wife is down in the health center and she's doing no good I'm well happy with everything I was trying to take care of her by myself and was waving me down pretty much and I'm not a spring chicken anymore so it's pretty loose though I think when mom and dad moved here they really felt so much better because mom didn't have all the burdens of taking care of the house that she had before and she really kind of blossomed here when a younger person has to make that decision to encourage their parents to go to a retirement home I think they will find at Peabody a professionalism that is very comforting to them personally they know that they are not just dropping their parents off someplace where the care might be haphazard I think this would be the best thing that you could do for your parents my friends told me I was too young to come here and they were mistaken and after I have been here the mistake is that people do not come soon enough they should come when they are younger and can really enjoy the life and the activities of Peabody there comes a time in everyone's life when plans have to be made and if that person has not made the plans and somebody else has to do it and I've seen so many people who are unhappy because they're in a situation which is not of their own choosing I made this decision on my own and no one had to pick me up and bring me here you're gonna see people who are enjoying life they're going to see people who are interacting with each other who are are going places doing things enjoying life and there's a atmosphere of family and that's what we'll be you
Video Transcript
Time: 0 min 42 sec
On 33 acres in North Manchester, Indiana, Peabody Retirement Community offers a complete range of residential and healthcare senior living options including neighborhoods for independent living cottages, assisted living apartments, rehabilitation, skilled nursing and memory care. This wellness-oriented lifestyle offers countless opportunities to celebrate the ageless spirit. To learn more, please visit:
some of the reasons i really love Peabody is the sense of community I found a lot of friends here I laugh a lot and I just feel very accepted and I'm very much part of a family the fact that Peabody's is a pet friendly environment was very important to me because i have a small dog I love walking my dog on the grounds it's just a wonderful environment and I like you you