Welcome home to Timbercrest. When you step foot inside our doors, a warmth fills your soul. Our community, located on 104 sprawling acres in North Manchester, Indiana sets the tone for comfort and serenity. The campus is a beautiful combination of wooded areas and open spaces — an idyllic scene.
Whether you are ready for independent living without the care of home ownership or it’s time for more intensive assistance, we invite you to visit Timbercrest to discover what it means to live life on your terms.
Timbercrest is food for the soul. Our community, located on 104 sprawling acres in North Manchester, sets the tone for comfort and serenity. The campus is a beautiful combination of wooded areas and open spaces−an idyllic scene.
You can experience it all in North Manchester. The town has a golf course, indoor swimming pool and fitness facilities, biking trails, and several parks. A modern public library and the North Manchester Civic Symphony provide cultural opportunities. Area churches cater to spiritual needs. And Manchester University is a resource for lifelong learning, as well as numerous athletic and cultural events. Put simply, everything you need to live life to the fullest is here.

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Video Transcript
Time: 6 min 59 sec
DVD for Timbercrest in North Manchester, IN Pathways to Wellness Campaign.
I love it here as up in here it's been a real joy to be here we just know that that we can have help when we need the personal touch is very significant in terms of the personnel that work here it's kind of like one big family it's just a wonderful Christian community really because it's just people that care about each other a place where needs are met people care about each other a family-like atmosphere that's likely the kind of place that members of the church of the brethren had in mind when they established first in mexico indiana and later in north manchester a place to put into practice Christian principles of love and care for others specifically for older adults now over 125 years later timbercrest has become a model of what a senior retirement community should look like we like to promote peace of mind and we think peace of mind is the product that is our key product and its product that we're good at and we seek to provide to residents and residents families I timbercrest the focus is on wellness offering for some complete independent living the neighborhood homes it's easy to take care of and it's big enough for two of us sometimes it's too big too much to do we've got two bedrooms and so you know it's just a easy place to live and of course with them doing all the maintenance all we have to do is call fears a problem they're here and just a little bit and they do a great job of maintaining the home so it's it's nice to know that you don't have to worry about those kind of things anymore cliona and Ernie bar moved from a neighborhood home to the manor after recognizing they needed more health care I was eager to come to a place where we would get help when you need it they and others at timbercrest are part of a remarkable community that promotes wellness in every sense of the word there's such a really warm caring attitude on staff to and workers and everybody when I talk with my employees about what is their favorite part of working here it's the residents and it's very much about the residents they want to make sure they are taking care of the absolute best that they can be also being able to have great quality care for the families residents in health care are treated like family members I love to help them if they need something I want to help them because they can't help themselves anymore there's just a special bond that you you know that you have with your resident making sure that they continue to you know be taken care of it's very very rewarding it's a community in which staff and residents care about each other I enjoy working here I think the facility is beautiful the residents are kind it's like a family environment here it's something I think God gave me a gift to work with these people and I enjoy it and like I said it's like my second home it's very much a family environment I think that the timber crest as a whole is one big family whether it be the residents the employees all of them put together and that's a unique part about it is that there's just as many times that the residents are concerned about the employees as the employees take care of the residents for those in the manner and the neighborhood homes the emphasis is on being active lot of activities and it's the matter you have to sort out what ones you go to because there's always something going on but for Tim requests to remain healthy some improvements are necessary through a campaign called pathways to wellness a fundraising effort designed to help residents achieve wellness in several key areas largest is the endowment fund with a goal of 1 million dollars for endowment because the larger endowment will greatly enhance Tim requests financial wellness and provide security for residents to count on dressed so any resident who has exhausted their funds and any resident who has had to rely on Medicaid these funds help supplement the Medicaid funds and help supplement the funds of individual residents and that's extraordinarily important to the success of timber crest that assurance of continued support after funds have been exhausted as part of what makes timber crest such a supportive community that's a comfort to us to know that someday down the road we might run out of money too but they're not going to kick us out they're going to provide the resources that we need to stay here the other half of the campaign is for capital improvements to enhance the wellness of those living here newly designed healthcare entrance with protection from the weather new walking trails to improve exercise options new entrance for the chapel we're going to build a vestibule so just a place where it's covered so that when you get to the chapel we have double doors that are automatic and you're covered when you're going into the chapel also new landscaping for the courtyard between healthcare and crestwood so residents can safely walk outside and construction of a greenhouse for year-round gardening the greenhouse will provide opportunities for residents to get in the dirt and do some gardening in the winter months and to maybe prepare some plants for the for the garden other items include enhanced technology capability and expansion and updating of the therapy room as well as the expansion and improvement of the fitness room we have a lot of people that want to come here for therapy our therapy is not large enough for people in the community as well as our residents here so that will be one of the projects that will be working on raising money for the campaign is designed to build on the century-old tradition of caring that is timbercrest people who work here truly have a heart and a passion for the that live here and our goal is to help them to live in an environment that gives them peace of mind and security a community of people who know one another who are invested in each other's quality of life through the bonds of friendship and common goals timbercrest has been around for a long time and we want to be around for a long time and we feel these improvements will enhance who we are now and give us a leg up for the future we feel we have a lot of friends here and that makes it a community I think it's a great place to to spend your retirement years
Video Transcript
Time: 8 min 1 sec
This is a look at the neighborhood homes living option at the Timbercrest Retirement Community in North Manchester, Indiana. There are several living options available, but this DVD segment examines only the option that provides for independent living. It was produced in 2005 and has since been updated. Contact Timbercrest for the most current version of this DVD.
welcome to a place you can call home a place where people find a sense of family a community a place where there's a genuine spirit of goodwill a sense of security and a place of opportunity timbercrest is nestled on a 104 acre campus set amid a natural landscape of woods and open fields there are paths to explore people to learn to know places to exercise skills and hobbies opportunities for growth spiritually and physically but more than anything timbercrest is a place committed to making good things happen together the mission that we operate with is really our tagline making good things happen that really is what happens from the day-to-day interactions between the staff and residents it's a good place to live the residents tell us that that they enjoy their life here and it's just a really special place we know that if we needed help that anybody would be available people are wonderful it's just what I need and it's just I can just come and go as I like it's just beautiful the flowers in the tree of the woods for the background Sandra like them we like that view it worked out beautifully for us thoroughly enjoy it and we have this great view we are entertained by nature every day Robin messed up their little finches around dear we just love it timbercrest offers a variety of living options depending upon the particular needs and desires of each person who lives here but woven throughout the fabric of timber crest is a commitment by the staff the board and the residents themselves to be a community that wants the best for those who share this space it's something that just occurred occurs very naturally and it happened when people live out there's their sense of community it's it's not something that you can develop a policy and say okay we're going to have a community so let's get at it it's just something that comes very naturally when staff and residents and board just all work together to recognize the needs that one another they recognize that this is their community this their home and they participate in that one of the most attractive features of timber crest is the option of living in one of the neighborhood homes of the community a ring of neighborhood homes lines the outer perimeter of the timber crest complex each one with an attached garage and plenty of living space this is designed for people who are very independent and have many community interests every one of them has a garage right next to it we anticipate they're still going into the community to get there's a lot of their services davidandbecky woz decided one day they'd had enough lawn work and home maintenance David was working one hot afternoon out in the yard and I've been fooling around in the house up and down the stairs and he came in and I was bedraggled and we looked at each other and this is the truth and we said it's time isn't it so they moved into one of the neighborhood homes where timbercrest staff or volunteers now shoveled the snow mow the lawns and maintain the property we're close to friends and it's a supportive community that feels very good to know that anybody around is we're here for each other Becky and David have led tours around the world and find it convenient to leave for an extended period of time knowing their place will be taken care of we just call I write a little note to the front office and say we're going to be gone from such and such and this is how you get in touch with us and that's a real yes we love the apartment and we loves thee the layout of it Maxine and Glenn Mulligan appreciate the openness of their home which offers them almost as much room as their previous home especially the sunroom that we have here on the view that we have from both the front and back we couldn't beat it each neighborhood home can be adapted to meet the specific needs of those living there there's quite a bit of flexibility built into the system is the flexibility of floor covering window treatments paint color we also will deal with any other situation enough structural changes as long as it can be done that would be at the residents expense but we will look at those we can change doors we can move walls we can add on as long as those things can be done and we're open to talking about those neighborhood homes are often occupied by people who spend their time not only a timber crest but also in the larger community time that used to be taken up by home maintenance we have a feeling of security here and we feel that we're going to be taken care of in a good way and in a kind compassionate way neighborhood homes are offered in a variety of sizes and each includes all the major kitchen appliances central air conditioning single car garage along with building and lawn maintenance snow removal and trash pickup it's the perfect living arrangement for people who are independent but want the joy of being part of a supportive community like timbercrest a neighborhood home offers freedom from the burdens of home ownership to allow more time to do the things you enjoy regardless of what living arrangement you may choose timbercrest is a place of opportunity it's a relaxed secure environment with plenty of choices Manchester college less than a mile away provides cultural opportunities and sporting events many timbercrest residents use the community pool in town or the fitness center located on the timber crest campus complete with a fitness director computer and library resources the gift shop and bank within the timber crest complex restaurant style dining for residents and guests a quarter mile walking path indoors and plenty of hiking and biking paths outdoors timbercrest also offers chapel services six days a week as well as regular group fitness classes including Tai Chi plenty of opportunities to make good things happen together now that you've had a brief introduction to what timber crest is like I invite you to come and make a personal visit I think the personal visit is very important so that you get a feel for what it's like to live here and the atmosphere that is here and also to look at the different options we have and how you might best fit so this could be your home and we could be your family you