Nestled in an intimate, single-story building, you will discover an assisted living community designed to give you the comfort, beauty and privacy you deserve. You can have peace of mind knowing your personalized care plan guarantees you will receive quality support you can count on and have confidence because our dedicated care team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
While safety and peace of mind are definitely high priorities, a truly exceptional senior living experience would be incomplete if the amenities stopped there. You can also expect to embrace new friendships with some of the most inspiring men and women you ve ever met as you bond over shared interests and common passions. The community calendar is also full of so many exciting events and activities that you may find yourself wondering why you waited this long to make the move.
If you feel passionate about embracing your golden years with enthusiasm, you are going to love being a resident here at Brookdale Derby. With walking clubs and fitness classes, live music performances and competitive games, devotional services and happy hours, you will never find time to sit around on the couch twiddling your thumbs and waiting for life to offer you an exciting opportunity. Instead you get to decide how you want to make the most of your days and pursue each one with energy and passion.
The ideal senior living experience should give you the perfect blend of home comforts and luxury amenities. Whether you want to wake up slowly in your private apartment with a cup of coffee and a view of nature or lace up your tennis shoes and join your friends for a fun-filled fitness class to start the day, you should have access to warm and cheerful spaces that encourage you to find joy and meaning in each and every day.
When you decide to make your home at Brookdale Derby, you can choose from three residential floor plans. No matter which one you decide is best, you are sure to enjoy a bright and airy interior with wall-to-wall carpeting, a private bathroom and plenty of space for your treasured belongings. As soon as you add your own personal photos and keepsakes, we re sure you will feel right at home.
Because we think fine dining is a crucial piece of the exceptional senior living experience, we can warn you right now to prepare your heart for some of the most wonderful and flavorful meals you have ever tasted. From handcrafted pot roast and grilled chicken to tossed green salad and strawberry swirl angel pie, your stomach will be in complete euphoria each and every day. You may even think you accidentally stumbled into a destination resort restaurant rather than your own light-filled dining room.
Here at Brookdale Derby, you can spend your days exploring a wide variety of books from the extensive library collection, tending to your favorite plants in the garden, gathering with your treasured friends for meals in the restaurant-style dining room or participating in all kinds of events, programs and activities in any number of common rooms across campus. No matter how you want to spend your days, you have choices and each one feels better than the last.
Each and every resident here is a unique individual with their own unique needs, preferences and capabilities. That s why we work together before you arrive to design a custom care plan that gives you all the support you need without asking you to sacrifice your privacy or freedom. You are the one in charge. You can decide if you want our team to simply handle the household chores so you can spend more time doing the things you love, or if you would prefer us to provide assistance with things like bathing, dressing, mobility, managing medication or coordinating with outside healthcare providers.
No matter how much support you crave, you can have peace of mind knowing our team is available on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you need help in an emergency or simply need an extra set of hands to accomplish a troublesome task, we are always here to make sure you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.