Bourbon Heights, Inc. is a non-profit facility that offers a multitude of services. These services include Skilled Nursing Facility Services, Intermediate Care, Personal Care, Adult Day Health Care Center, Outpatient Rehabilitation Center and Independent Living Apartments. It is our goal to serve the residents of Bourbon and surrounding counties in short or long term stays and to provide quality services to all.
Bourbon Heights, Inc. has set the standard in long term care by providing services that incorporate our history, values, and our promise for the seniors of this community to age gracefully while maintaining their dignity and independence. Our commitment to quality and our hometown setting makes Bourbon Heights truly a leader in giving our residents the best possible care.
At Bourbon Heights we make the difference in aging. Our residents and staff call this place home and have for over 50 years. As a non-profit corporation, we continue to meet the needs and care for the aged and elderly of Bourbon County.
Bourbon Heights, Inc. is committed to protecting and promoting the dignity and self-worth of every resident. We believe the ways to achieve those goals are to provide employees with the opportunity to succeed, provide them with the resources to do their jobs, and ask them to be accountable for their own success. Therefore, we place high value on the desire to work, the ability to produce the desired results, and the willingness of employees to accept responsibility for their own success. Bourbon Heights is a human services organization. The key to our success is that our employees work together to achieve client satisfaction and operating efficiency.