Maplewood at Mayflower Place
West Yarmouth, MA - Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Independent Living, CCRC

Situated on a gorgeous property in West Yarmouth, MA, Maplewood at Mayflower Place offers unparalleled independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing and rehabilitation on Cape Cod. Recently upgraded with a full, modern renovation, our stunning continuing care retirement community is the only one of its kind offering full services on Cape Cod. Our community welcomes residents with a magnificent landscape, elegantly appointed studio, one, and two bedroom apartments, and warm, sophisticated common areas. Distinctive amenities, wellness services, and a plethora of engaging and creative programs embody our emotion-based philosophy of care.
As a continuum of care senior living community, additional incremental care and specialized services are here if and when they’re needed. Our specially trained staff is dedicated to making our seniors’ lives easier by implementing new and cutting-edge technologies. Experience the tranquility and spirit of the Cape at Maplewood at Mayflower Place.
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Video Transcript
Time: 5 min 41 sec
making the decision as to whether it's time for assisted living or additional care is one that adult children often really struggle with there's guilt there's denial there's angst about having the conversation how to make the move and what we often tell families that they need to do is focus on the emotional concerns that you as an adult child are having and your concerns for them and their safety and well-being I had started noticing memory loss just a lot of things were happening that I could tell she wasn't my mom she wasn't the same person and things kept escalating and it was dangerous she left at one time I went there and there was a paper towel roll that was half burnt and I said mom what happened here oh I think it just got caught on the stove but I saved it my house it burned down and she was very defensive about it and it was a sign to me that this is not the right place she should not be alone here I think the first thing I really saw was when I would go over the house wasn't picked up at all she tended to wear the same clothes she wouldn't know how to make a phone call anymore she didn't know her address and I said oh it's time it's time to look into something one of the other obstacles that sometimes get in the way of making a decision is over involving the person with memory loss in the decision-making but to ask a person who's having memory loss if they want to go really is a way to for families to relieve their guilt absolutely felt guilty you know am i doing the right thing but then I also had a social worker come talk to her and observe her and every and everybody said you're doing the right thing it's not a safe situation so that made me feel better and I said yeah even if she cries even if she gets upset she will adjust and in the long run it's the best thing for her families aren't always on the same page especially children who don't live nearby who don't see it who haven't been as involved their guilt is compounded because they feel the need of maybe they should have done there more maybe they should have done more and not everybody needs to agree on the decision but everybody needs to agree on the decision-maker my younger sister felt we were kidnapping her then of course when she saw my mother and spent a little time with her she was very upset she said I'm so sorry I acted that way I had no idea how bad it was you know when you're long distance to talk to somebody on a phone they can kid you you know they make it sound short and sweet then you don't see what it's really like overall my brothers really stood behind me but they just didn't want to be the bad guy they don't stay live far away they don't see her enough they want their time with her to be pleasant and so it needed to be it needs to be me it needs to be somebody and I just think that any other family going through it needs to have at least one spokesperson to stand up because I wonder if my mom hadn't moved what would have happened to her what would have what awful thing and then how bad we are one of the hardest conversations I have with adult children sometimes is that as they're making these decisions for their loved ones which are the right decisions is that your mom or dad may not talk to you you may not be popular in the eyes of your parents but there comes a point in the disease process of a decision-making process where being popular isn't the top priority it's getting them the quality of care they deserve we planned out the whole thing and said we were going to move her in and we didn't say much to her the night before she came here we moved her furniture in and she didn't even know and then we we kept talking to her about it she was adamant I'm not going she was mad at me and she you know things were not good between us until she had a fall and as she broke her shoulder and as awful as it was it was the best thing that could have happened because it precipitated her to go to physical therapy in a nursing home after surgery and from there I was able to say the doctors don't want you to go home and we brought her here we spent the whole day with her and had meals with her and they welcomed her wonderfully I mean they were just so nice they met her at the door it's the fear it's the anxiety it's the uncertainty of what's around the corner but once they get around the corner and they are feeling supported and their emotions are honored and they're feeling successful my residents adjust to a better quality of life during this transition a lot of times have been hard and she's been mad and frustrated with me and resentful of things of making her move and lose her independence and all that but I don't see any of that anymore it's just the personal attention she's getting here is really amazing she's blossomed she just adjusted beautifully she never said I want to go home she just did really well so to me it was like a blessing was such a success story because I was the care was gonna get calls in the middle of the night I want to come home she's just really adjusted beautifully we completely understand that this is the first time that her adult children are doing this move we've done it a thousand times and we can give you our knowledge to work with the adult children and make the move successful Maplewood is appealing to a lot of people nothing has been missed everything has been thought of was just very everybody and everything I know she's gonna be taking care and that just makes me feel so great you
Video Transcript
Time: 3 min 15 sec
a place like this is rare that you have these usually have assisted living or then you get to a nursing home I mean this kind of bridges it fills that gap in the middle because you have your assistance but then also you get that extra assistance in your apartment which is what you don't normally get so this sort of answered all the needs it was just perfect very easy move to make you come into this beautiful location if you're just a part of the whole situation maplewood is gorgeous the decorating is beautiful it's up to date like this is the newness of it all I think has is a huge appeal these common places are so nice it's like an extension of your own home and is there really nice I cd8 way that the staff is interacting with the residents who are here and I think it's really nice you know if the residents are even just sitting there watching television the aides are right there with them they're watching TV with them they're interacting with them it's really nice to see the atmosphere is so terrific that you enjoyed it personal feeling that you get with everyone could mark see all the help immediately knows your first thing you're greeted how you doin Edith and it it's much more calm like let's put it like when you move into a new house and everybody on the Block so it's grading you it's just the personal attention she's getting here is really amazing and I've seen such a change she just everything is about her seems happier more cheerful she's wearing lipstick she's having you know these nice outfits put on her now my mom has a memory problem so half the time she says oh I don't know where the scarf came from its whose is it but it's stuff that she didn't remember she would have never sought out on her own but the AIDS here are finding it in her closet and making her look nice and I think when you look nice you feel good and she really is I think the best part about living here is having me acknowledge that there's someone here to tell every day that you have even though you have your own space you're living alone but you're really not living alone because someone is you know looking in on you so that just is a big comfort although I just feel like the pressure is alleviated I just know that even if it's ten minutes that I popped in just so I can see her she's fine I know I don't worry about I get phone calls if there's anything amiss oh they love that I'm here because they don't have to worry about me it's wonderful it really is i'm very happy here he likes knowing that someone's coming in in the night when he's sleeping because i think that was the hardest thing when he was living by himself it was you know what have happened something happens in the night so he likes that too it's a blessing to me I mean I'm going away for the first time in three years and I don't have to worry you know I know she's gonna be taken care of and I know they come in and I check her during the night and that just makes me feel so great you
Video Transcript
Time: 4 min 20 sec
today we have a shrimp francese with a sushi rice and a mandolin of fresh squash and zucchini with some root vegetables the sauce that's on there is a caper wine sauce a lot of these products come from local farms just one or two miles right up the road for the residents in our environment with the inspired dining they have the opportunity to see the chefs to speak to the chefs to see them preparing the meals to smell the foods to hear it and then see it come to them isn't that what we all do every day that's what's so normal to us we get to interact with the residents constantly breakfast lunch and dinner not only do they tell us what they like but they'll also tell us what they don't like residents go into the dining room and they may be woken up by the smell of bacon and coffee cooking right on their floor right in their open kitchen it really stimulates appetite it stimulates the engagement and the experience of the residents our inspired dining experience with the colors of the fresh vegetables whatever the herbs are that are in season inspire the residents they look at these plates in they're intrigued and I truly believe that their appetites have increased where do I start my mother weighs 99 pounds and you've never seen a 99 pound person enjoy food the way my mother does and she has been doing nothing but telling me they made the most delicious this that made the most delicious that oh I want to get you this dessert she is excited and this is the first time I've seen her excited in in years our plate presentation the taste of the food the quality of the food is so much different it's not just put on the plate it's put on there with love with creativity and the chef's really enjoy building these plates every day for each resident she loves the food the food is fantastic it's so delicious and so tasty you can smell the aroma I mean it makes you want to eat we've seen residents who were losing significantly starting to gain weight we've seen residents who were not drinking as much as they should starting to drink this ultimately improves their quality of life and decreases increased medical concerns decreases anxiety decreases increased confusion if that makes sense so it's just been so wonderful and the best part every day is that is that moment all over again for them one of the important features of our dining program is that our residents have access to a meal 24 hours a day 7 days a week not just a sandwich not just food but if somebody wakes up at 2:00 in the morning and believe that truly is the time they need to have breakfast and there's the need to give them a breakfast we have somebody in the building 24 hours a day seven days a week who can prepare a meal one of my coolest experiences was the first week I was here when I saw bird and we put him on one of our puree diets and our puree diet is phenomenal by taking some of the products that we have that are locally grown we turn them into purees that are very attractive he cleaned the entire plate and he looked up and he smiled at us and that's what it's all about what we find is that our culinary Services Department really becomes as much an important part of the caregiving team as anybody else they're the ones who noticed if somebody might not have be in a meal or not we don't just hire people who can make great meals we hire people who can give our residents a great experience to be able to present food that's fresh farm-to-table to be as creative as possible and to see the look on the residents face as they're eating the food and being able to find out their likes and dislikes it's just what a chef's dream you