Irene's Manor is a sensational assisted living community in Baltimore, Maryland. It is within popular Baltimore City County which is part of the Old Line State.
Irene's Manor Assisted Living strives to deliver excellence by building a relationship with every resident - knowing their medical needs as well as their personal interests. There are many aspects to being healthy so, we strive to approach each and every need with sincere regard.
- Provide Personal Care Service to assist in ADL (Activities of Daily Living) to include Eating; Grooming, bathing, oral hygiene, shaving, and combing hair; Walking or getting around, with or without assisted devices; Toileting; and Dressing in clean, weather-appropriate clothing
- 3 meals served daily by our Executive Chef Patrick Robinson who specializes in sophisticated, approachable cuisine and nutrition.
- Laundry and housekeeping services are provided daily. All bedding are 500-Count Egyptian Cotton Sheets and Featherless Down Comforters.
- Each Resident is assigned a dedicated PCC to assist in facilitating access to appropriate health care and social services such as physicians, nurses, social workers, dentists, hospice care, etc.
- WE will schedule appointments, provide transportation and arrange for services to be delivered at the facility if needed.
- Each suite is cable ready and has WiFi access.
- Provide transportation to all Health Care and Social Services appointments at no cost to the Residents.
- We have a monthly calendar of events to promote a healthy social environment. Some activities consist of aerobics, ice cream socials, movie night and field trips.
- Provide spiritual prayer and bible reading to residents monthly based on their spiritual preference.
- Quarterly, we promote family support by hosting a family and friends event. Our events consist of Sunday dinners, family picnics, cookouts, and birthday celebrations.
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