Flesher's Fairview is an attractive assisted living community in Fairview, North Carolina. It is within lively Buncombe County which is part of the Tar Heel State.
Everyone vows they will never put their loved one in a nursing home. We all hope we can keep that promise, and that our lives may be enriched for many years.
But the reality is that age and decline associated with it often take their toll, leaving us unable to manage alone, and placing an overwhelming burden on our extended family and friends to help us get through the day. It is then that we must decide who we can trust to help us care for our beloved.
Fairview Health & Retirement Center offers a wide range of services and amenities aimed at making residential living, recovery from illness and long-term health care a family experience. Established in 1964, we are the oldest locally-owned and -operated residential health care setting in Buncombe County. Despite the region’s tight labor market, we have been able to attract and retain excellent employees – often drawing several people with different skills and talents from a single family. The third generation of our family of nurses and administrators now dedicates itself to continuing the tradition of excellence.
A selection of suites is available in a gracious, scenic and restful environment at prices within everyone’s reach. A full range of amenities such as laundry, housekeeping, on-site pharmacy and medication administration, a stimulation activities program, medical and shopping transportation are provided. Three well-balanced meals are served in a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Flesher’s Fairview Health Care is dedicated to the promotion of health and growth for all residents, the staff and the people in the local community.
We therefore:
Believe in the dignity of the person, recognizing that each person has physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs and that these needs must be respected. This respect is reflected in the tireless efforts of the staff of this facility to serve and preserve life and to prepare for its termination when death is inevitable through spiritual support, understanding and empathy;
Believe individuals and institutions move forward only as they assume and accomplish new responsibilities in an organized and professional manner. Each member of the staff of this facility is dedicated to the promotion of health in areas of human concern, based on the belief that the whole person must be considered in the healing process;
Believe that admissions to this facility should be based solely on need for the type of care provided here, an environment which is safe and healthful for the particular needs of residents, the availability of accommodations and our ability to supply the care which is required;
Believe that standards are not mere words, but lofty goals to be attained daily;
Believe that it is our duty to study and analyze the aging process and to determine what we, as health care professionals, can do to understand it better; and finally,
Believe that it is our goal to assist each resident in obtaining and maintaining the highest quality of life available to them.