Eventide Sheyenne Crossings
West Fargo, ND - Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Independent Living, CCRC

Make yourself at home! There’s no warmer, more welcoming retirement community in West Fargo. For active senior living, you’ll find the quality and comfort you expect in your home, your neighborhood, your way of life. Enjoy living totally maintenance-free, and still so close to friends, family and everything you love – including the wealth of amenities, services and conveniences available to you right here. Spend more time pursuing your interests and discovering new ones.
You’ll have peace of mind about potential health needs, knowing that our campus offers a complete range of professional health care services. From your independent living apartment or town home, to on-campus assisted living, rehabilitation, skilled nursing and memory support, Sheyenne Crossings offers the most complete range of service options you’ll find among senior living communities in the area.

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Video Transcript
Time: 0 min 43 sec
Eventide New Hire Experience preview
I love the people I work with it feels like family I know I mean and I'm in for good just to see that smile on their face at the end of the day it's what matters to me welcome to our team at Eventide if you're seeing this it's already too late now you're stuck here till you live here [Music] you [Music]