Missionary Sisters of St. Benedict is a lovely assisted living community in Huntington, New York. It is within fantastic Suffolk County which is part of the Empire State.
In a special way, sisters live the Benedictine spirituality by praying daily and working to help the elderly residents of Saint Joseph’s Home for the Aged. The philosophy of the care program at St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged is to provide residents with an environment that nurtures their social, intellectual, rehabilitative, emotional, and spiritual development in a home-like atmosphere. The Sisters provide a religious and spiritual haven for their residents, helping them to live in peace and tranquility, and treating them with utmost dignity and compassion.
In 1940, the sisters received a gift of the estate in Huntington Long Island and the idea of a new apostolate, the work with the elderly was born. Only with the arrival of the new sisters in 1962 did the mission really move forward. The sisters started building a new home, which expanded over time as new sisters arrived.
Currently, 23 Missionary Sisters of St. Benedict live in Huntington, both from Poland, USA and from Ukraine. The primary ministry of St. Joseph’s Home is to provide help and daily care to our 45 residents. Sisters take care and provide for the needs of the elderly, and above all care to prepare them for the encounter with God. Residents are provided with daily Mass, access to the chapel with the Blessed Sacrament and conversation with the Lord. Creating the best “home like” environment, friendship and kindness is one of the main goals of the work of the sisters. That is why they celebrate together with the residents all the Church celebrations as well as the national holidays. There is also a celebration of the gift of life, the birthdays of all residents, whose ages often exceed 100 years.
Enriching each other with our lives and experience, our home often hosts many volunteers, seminarians and young people. Young people learn from the older the fullness of life and its beauty, for as Pope Benedict XVI said: “Even age has its message, and suffering its dignity and saving power.” Through their ministry, the sisters wish that every person at St. Joseph’s Home feel loved, needed and with dignity pass to the Father with outmost dignity.

Real Estate Agent
Jane Zilpelwar
Compass - Long Island

Real Estate Agent
Julia Xelas
Coldwell Banker Realty