Garden Spot Village
New Holland, PA - Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Independent Living, CCRC
Community size: Extra Large (100+)

Garden Spot Village is a licensed, non-profit, faith-based continuing care retirement community (CCRC) located on a 220-acre campus in New Holland, Pennsylvania. Garden Spot Village is home to about 1000 people aged 55 and up. Since it opened in 1996, Garden Spot Village continually strives to enrich the lives of older adults as an expression of Christ’s love. Our residents find abundant opportunities to live with purpose in community.
The Garden Spot Village campus includes cottages and carriage houses, apartments, personal care, skilled nursing households and memory support. Sycamore Springs, the newest addition to Garden Spot Village, features single-family homes facing common green spaces. Life is centered around the Village Square where enriching daily events and activities take place. Garden Spot Village’s award-winning restaurants feature farm-to-table food sourced locally from Lancaster County in settings that range from fast-casual to formal dining. Off campus, residents stay active through trips that range from close by to as far away as mission trips to Kenya. More than 60% of residents volunteer within the community.
People often tell us, “There’s something different here.” That difference? Garden Spot Village cultivates an intergenerational, positive, life-giving culture where purpose and value can be felt.

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Video Transcript
Time: 9 min 33 sec
Garden Spot Village is all about opportunity. People are living life to the fullest, seizing opportunities to serve, and contributing both locally and around the world. Experience Garden Spot Village through the reviews, stories, and experiences of the people who live here. Come for the lifestyle and stay for the friends. Garden Spot Village is a non-profit provider of innovative housing and lifestyle services. For more Garden Spot Village Reviews please visit the following page: For more information on Garden Spot Village, please visit Garden Spot Village 433 S. Kinzer Ave New Holland, PA 17557
The mission at Garden Spot Village is simply this:To enrich the lives of older adults as an expression of Christ's love. It's just a little bit of heaven on Earth. It's been a blessing. Sell your house, get here. Every year is an affirmation that we made the right decision. It's like walking into an extended family. I work with wonderful people, I serve wonderful residents The relationships are just so amazing that going to work on Mondays is okay with me. It's rural, it's scenic, it's convenient to the city and to the shore. I just love the atmosphere, the farming, and the seasons of life in this area. I came from a 3 bedroom house to a 1 bedroom apartment and it was the best move for me. I absolutely love it. My sister has named it the sunset suite because every evening I'm out on my balcony watching the sun set. It's just a beautiful way to end the day. I think of it almost as a Disney World because there are so many options, and so many fun things that can be done alongside the serious activities. I don't shovel snow anymore. I don't cut the grass anymore. I don't change lightbulbs anymore. They do all these things for us. You can walk out and close the door and go away for a month. You can even leave the door unlocked because that's the way the place is. I made two important decisions in my life that I knew from the day I made them that they were the right ones. One was about two days after I met Paul, I knew he was the right man for me. The other one was our move to Garden Spot Village, it was just so obvious. We belong here! We love it! You can't even do it all if you tried, and you just make friends automatically. The friends become family; we're not just a bunch of people. We're like a family, we do stuff together. It's just amazing. Basically everything except the cable and telephone are included in the price so you don't get nickle and dimed to death. All the facilities are available, evening using rooms for community events and things like that have no charge. That's one of the things I really like about Garden Spot Village. It really integrates into the community. They're a part of it, and it's amazing how many things go on that use Garden Spot Village as the venue. Opportunity is a very important word for us.We look at life as an opportunity; when we're planning for the future, or even our day. We realize that there are incredible opportunities to serve, and incredible opportunities to enrich the lives of other people. I think the best thing about living here, for me, is the convenience and location. I have lots of friends here, it's just a little bit of heaven on Earth. My artistic intrests also include music and so I am a part of the Village Voices, and I enjoy that very, very much. Our choir that rehearses on a weekly basis and then performs at Christmas and then in the Spring for a Spring concert. We have so many facilities. The pool; the fitness center; the woodshop; the train room. I could probably list 50 things. The other thing we enjoy are the walking paths that are all around the village. We have a 2 mile loop that we can do without leaving the campus because it's lit because there is security, we have no concerns about walking at 10:30 at night. We're strong believers in servant leadership, and that means that no job is beneath us.We genuinely enjoy the opportunity to serve others whether it be other team members, whether its residents, or some combination thereof. When there's an opportunity for a volunteer picnic to cook the burgers and dogs, we're right there at the grill flippin' burgers and practicing hospitality for our folks who serve one another all throughout the year. While I was working part time at Garden Spot Village, I had the opportunity to work with management and all the other colleagues there. It was just a true loving spirit, and the fact that they really do care for the employees and the residents. I saw that genuine love as a confirmation that this was a place for me. Something outstanding about Garden Spot Village that I haven't seen in other places is that the leadership team is part of the family. They're there for us, they will stop what they're doing to help us, it's like we're the most important thing there. We get to be involved in things like Coffee & Conversation, where we can ask the honchos questions. With the two Coffee &Conversations, and one Town Meeting a month, that's 3 times when staff of Garden Spot Village makes themselves available to us. We're all on the same level. Retirement for me has been a time of doing what I want to do, and giving back to others, and I thoroughly enjoy that. Instead of having a crew go out and build the house on the job, we built the partitions on our site at Garden Spot Village. The advantage to that you get the community involved because they come out and drive the nails. It involves everyone. We had 4 generations of one family that came out there, it was stunning. When we decided to move to Garden Spot Village, we were still working. We tried to answer the question: How will living at Garden Spot Village enhance our support of the ministry we were involved in? A critical part of that is that we have such a great support team at Garden Spot Village. It's the freedom that Garden Spot Village has given us that allows us to travel, to go to the mission field to do the projects. When we want to go on a trip, all we do is turn down the thermostat, lock the door, and we're on our way! When we come back, everything looks the same as how we left it. Grass is trimmed, house is taken care of, everything is great. Do it now rather than later. It is so much easier. I have seen people come in while in their 80s and 90s, and they don't have the time to enjoy it and they may not be in the best of health. I know because we are some of the younger residents, even our own family questioned why we wanted to move at this point. I just feel it is a great service you can give to your children to get yourself into an environment where you are very protected. He wanted to ensure that I was in a safe place, and a place that we will be cared for for the rest of our lives. You can't downplay how important it is to feel so much at home. The only mistake we made was we should have come 10 years earlier. Exactly. In general, communities that see themselves in the same market space as we do, they talk about seniors and retirement, Garden Spot VIllage has a totally different mindset. We talk about people and opportunity. Who want to live in a senior community? Garden Spot Village isn't a senior community. We're not a retirement community, people don't come here to retire, they come here to live and to contribute, and to make a difference in the local community and around the world. They're 50, 60, 70 somethings but they're not retired. People should really start to think about those post-career years in their late 40s early 50s, and what we're seeing is that 50 somethings love Garden Spot Village because we take care of the chores and they get to do what they want. They don't have to worry about the roof going bad or whats for dinner or go out and mow the grass, they go out and do the things that not only enrich their lives, but the lives of others, and so regardless of their age people live with a sense of purpose and opportunity, and that's what makes Garden Spot Village really, really special.
Video Transcript
Time: 3 min 30 sec
For more information on Garden Spot Village, please visit Garden Spot Village 433 S. Kinzer Ave New Holland, PA 17557
Organizational culture can take on a number of different dimensions, You have the culture of the leadership team, the culture of the broader management team, the culture of the staff, in the case of a community like Garden Spot Village the culture of the residents. So how do you view the culture at Garden Spot Village? It's interesting because you just made it easy for me to answer the question. You nailed it. By the way, there are absolutely more than a few organizations that do a good job of culture. but that list you just talked about is what we see more often than not. There indeed you go into an organization and honestly, it can be twenty people, Honestly, it can be twenty people, and we've worked with organizations with 55 to 60 thousand people. and what you find is that culture and ends up being exactly what you said, there's the issue of leadership team culture, the executive team, the board culture, at the end of the day you are about the community and serving. so you have the neighborhood culture, the resident's culture, you have the club culture, and what I found, and I told you this is I've told the leadership team, really anyone who will listen to me is, what I marveled at the most and what I most admired is that you don't have five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten cultures, which is very typical in organizations your size, you actually have one. and the reason that's important is when you have five, six, or seven, or eight cultures, we call it cultures. but at the end of the day, it usually is a reflection of a personality. a type of management style, and that's not really cultural life when we came here, I walked back, I went back into the office and I said to the team, and we have a few clients like this but not many, I said, "Oh my god," I said "they have a culture" and that's actually, Scott, that's what is so powerful.