Brawner Sunset Haven,L.L.C is a state licensed Type B facility, family owned and operated long term residential care home for seniors. We are located in League City, Texas. We have a nurse on staff along with professional care givers. Meals are provided 3 times a day along with snacks. Meals are prepared to the residents dietary needs. We do provide Respite Care for short period of times so that family members may have time for themselves. We are a small community so that our residents have a more personable relationship with other residents and staff.
At Brawner Sunset Haven,L.L.C our goal is to help our resident's achieve the best quality of life possible. We understand that one solution does not fit every situation so we take the time to listen and learn about each resident's needs and preferences. This enables us to tailor a care program that maximizes the resident's independence and dignity.
Services include:
- 24 hour Care and Supervision
- Private and Semi-private rooms
- Meal planning and cooking
- Snacks
- Activity Planning
- Medication Management
- Pharmacy Delivery
- Nurse on staff
- Respite Care
- In-house doctor visits
- Adult Day Care
- Long Term Care
- Hospice Care
- Works with Home Health Companys