Westminster Canterbury Richmond
Richmond, VA - Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Independent Living, CCRC

Discover Westminster Canterbury Richmond’s vibrant lifestyle, engaging activities, and exceptional services and amenities, all on a beautifully landscaped 50-acre campus. Our welcoming—and award-winning—Life Care retirement community brings together an impressive variety of cultural opportunities, generous-spirited people, and carefree living options.
You’ll find boundless opportunities for learning, wellness, fun, friendship, fulfillment and spiritual development—plus the security that comes with having a solid plan for the future.

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Title: Garden Tour
Time: 12 min 45 sec
welcome to Westminster Canterbury Richmond my name is Kathleen Pender and I'm the horticulturist here today we are going to show you some of our gardens introduce you to some of our residents and show some of our resident activities that we have here on our property this is the Campbell garden given by mrs. Campbell in honor of mr. Campbell I understand they were both lovers of the Arts so we've tried to include many colors throughout the year with seasonal interest of our blooms and foliage one of our goals in this garden is to promote our pollinators and they include our honeybees our bumblebees our hummingbirds and our butterflies and as you can see these needlepoint Hollies right here are coming into flower and they are literally swarming with this bumblebee babies and honeybees the honeybees are the smaller of the two and they do have the stripes on the back and they're a little orange in color whereas the bumblebees are going to be the yellow and black we are now in the brown garden the brown garden was the first named garden at Westminster Canterbury Richmond given to Westminster from the brown family and as you can see in the garden right now we do have a lot of azaleas in bloom we also have a lot of evergreens as well as some cut flowers that the cut flower committee can use in their arrangements to reduce on their outgoing cost now we're in the sidewalk cafe herb and vegetable garden and we're here with our executive chef fritz thank you for joining us for it you're very welcome I love it I just wanted to tell you some of what we've planted this year right now we have some parsley in the back of the garden with some lemon balm we also have some tarragon which I know is one of your favorites yesterday we use with in in a fresh mayonnaise sauce that we reuse in the in the Canterbury kitchen so it's perfect that's great we also have some cilantro and some chives we have sorrel bloody sorrel and then we have some basil both sweet and purple leaf believe it or not the soil we use in a soup we can use both of them and then the basil we had last year we had so much that we actually used it even in the promenade kitchen because we we had a tremendous abundance of it plus it looks really the purple looks really pretty on a plate and then we also I think we have time and we use that sort of for the marinades that we have like for lambs and things like that so what we're excited to have all these fresh herbs here and in the garden just for us to pick and obviously you know I can't get any fresher than that so first I know this garden helps with the look on the plate but how does it help with overall cost well I mean if you just imagine their little box like this of fresh herbs and they are not as fresh afife will probably cost on average at least $5 so every time we come in here and we harvest what you're saving some significant amounts of money now we're in the Mary Morton Parsons garden sometimes we refer to this garden as the Gables garden this area is our memory support area what I do in this garden specifically is maintain the flowers and the shrubs I also work with our horticultural therapist on specialized gardening activities for our folks here certain times of the year we'll plant spring bulbs which we do that in the fall with our residents they will enter those into our daffodil show later in the year we'll do our spring vegetables and summer vegetables along with our herbs and those are in the raised gardens that are located here residents will tend to the garden plots and pick the produce which sometimes will be cooked in the households for them to enjoy we're now in the Huxley greenhouse this is one of two of our greenhouses here on property residents can bring plants to overwinter as well as some plants that require different cultural requirements like the orchids you see here these pretty much stay in this greenhouse year-round until they're in full bloom which some are just starting to bloom we are now in the courtyard resident garden plots these are garden plots where courtyard residents can come and garden on their own with whatever they choose from annuals perennials and even vegetables our tomatoes are quite ripe out here we are now in the tower resident garden plots these garden plots are maintained by our residents that live in the tower you'll see anything from vegetables to perennials as well as some cut flowers that they can take in and enjoy these beds right here are for our cut flower committee in the tower these residents will make arrangements and these flowers help cut down on cut flower costs now we're in the Montague Chapel with one of our cup flour committee residents who works especially with the chapel mr. Scott Boyer thank you for joining us we just wanted to take a look at what you do for the cup flour committee here in the chapel and if we could take a look at the arrangement and see what happens okay generally what I'm doing the Sunday arrangements I work with Sharda Lovelace working for years on the committee and I have taken over the Sunday arrangements I generally do those the Saturday night no interruptions and then usually we take down what we put up we start doing could we work with you all right well let's let's say about taking this arrangement down and its first thing it up son will go to the tower cut flower room like like in this case we had this prepared for Sunday and then something happened either in the Oasis and where do you get most of your uh lots of wild areas around my studio and Hanover and of course we go around the campus of the wonderful things around the campus all about and though those are an example of their growing just outside that hanging over onto our property so you you'll watch when you go back and forth every day big hard you gotta go by and pick that up so these are these are just came into bloom and they're all in a neighborhood and sing with these you see or all these things are from shrubs that are around campus so they have the white flowers now we're in the courtyard flower room with our courtyard cut flower committee chair mrs. Scottie earnest and she is recycling some flowers that were in a previous arrangement this is one of the many resident activities that we have here now mrs. Arness how long has this cup flower room been here it was came into being at the same time that the entire building new new building was constructed and I would have to say that we're very fortunate to have residents like yourself who commit the time and and expertise to these arrangements because they mean so much to our community especially we hear that so often those of us who are here in the room working and we leave purposely leave the doors open so we can people can see us working and they it never fails to be a situation where they're thanking us it's a pleasure for us and it's a pleasure for me as well sometimes I'll get a phone call about have you seen that arrangement you have to go down and see it we are now in our pool patio garden this garden was designed as a garden where you can come and relax and meditate after a visit in our Wellness Center we are also trying to incorporate an area where we can invite our feathered friends like you see here if you walk over this way you can see a stream bed to resemble water which is naturally soothing and a lot of the plants in this garden do help with sensory like some gardenias as well as some iris that have not yet come into bloom and this is the streambed here we do rely on our resident volunteers to help us with certain activities and I see dr. Carol over here I just want to say hi real quick hi dr. Carol thank you so much for all the time that you've given especially to this garden we really do appreciate everything that you do you are so welcome and we had a tough winter but we do have all kinds of new leaves coming Bob unquote that we thought was going to be gone I'm expecting every single morning I kind of expect all the new little baby leaves and we've got our hope you all got to see where we're starting to have some songbirds come on a regular basis and they've all made possible which I will make sure how thank you so much for everything you did so welcome I'm doing lots of people are starting to enjoy they're starting to thank you you're so welcome
Time: 12 min 45 sec
welcome to Westminster Canterbury Richmond my name is Kathleen Pender and I'm the horticulturist here today we are going to show you some of our gardens introduce you to some of our residents and show some of our resident activities that we have here on our property this is the Campbell garden given by mrs. Campbell in honor of mr. Campbell I understand they were both lovers of the Arts so we've tried to include many colors throughout the year with seasonal interest of our blooms and foliage one of our goals in this garden is to promote our pollinators and they include our honeybees our bumblebees our hummingbirds and our butterflies and as you can see these needlepoint Hollies right here are coming into flower and they are literally swarming with this bumblebee babies and honeybees the honeybees are the smaller of the two and they do have the stripes on the back and they're a little orange in color whereas the bumblebees are going to be the yellow and black we are now in the brown garden the brown garden was the first named garden at Westminster Canterbury Richmond given to Westminster from the brown family and as you can see in the garden right now we do have a lot of azaleas in bloom we also have a lot of evergreens as well as some cut flowers that the cut flower committee can use in their arrangements to reduce on their outgoing cost now we're in the sidewalk cafe herb and vegetable garden and we're here with our executive chef fritz thank you for joining us for it you're very welcome I love it I just wanted to tell you some of what we've planted this year right now we have some parsley in the back of the garden with some lemon balm we also have some tarragon which I know is one of your favorites yesterday we use with in in a fresh mayonnaise sauce that we reuse in the in the Canterbury kitchen so it's perfect that's great we also have some cilantro and some chives we have sorrel bloody sorrel and then we have some basil both sweet and purple leaf believe it or not the soil we use in a soup we can use both of them and then the basil we had last year we had so much that we actually used it even in the promenade kitchen because we we had a tremendous abundance of it plus it looks really the purple looks really pretty on a plate and then we also I think we have time and we use that sort of for the marinades that we have like for lambs and things like that so what we're excited to have all these fresh herbs here and in the garden just for us to pick and obviously you know I can't get any fresher than that so first I know this garden helps with the look on the plate but how does it help with overall cost well I mean if you just imagine their little box like this of fresh herbs and they are not as fresh afife will probably cost on average at least $5 so every time we come in here and we harvest what you're saving some significant amounts of money now we're in the Mary Morton Parsons garden sometimes we refer to this garden as the Gables garden this area is our memory support area what I do in this garden specifically is maintain the flowers and the shrubs I also work with our horticultural therapist on specialized gardening activities for our folks here certain times of the year we'll plant spring bulbs which we do that in the fall with our residents they will enter those into our daffodil show later in the year we'll do our spring vegetables and summer vegetables along with our herbs and those are in the raised gardens that are located here residents will tend to the garden plots and pick the produce which sometimes will be cooked in the households for them to enjoy we're now in the Huxley greenhouse this is one of two of our greenhouses here on property residents can bring plants to overwinter as well as some plants that require different cultural requirements like the orchids you see here these pretty much stay in this greenhouse year-round until they're in full bloom which some are just starting to bloom we are now in the courtyard resident garden plots these are garden plots where courtyard residents can come and garden on their own with whatever they choose from annuals perennials and even vegetables our tomatoes are quite ripe out here we are now in the tower resident garden plots these garden plots are maintained by our residents that live in the tower you'll see anything from vegetables to perennials as well as some cut flowers that they can take in and enjoy these beds right here are for our cut flower committee in the tower these residents will make arrangements and these flowers help cut down on cut flower costs now we're in the Montague Chapel with one of our cup flour committee residents who works especially with the chapel mr. Scott Boyer thank you for joining us we just wanted to take a look at what you do for the cup flour committee here in the chapel and if we could take a look at the arrangement and see what happens okay generally what I'm doing the Sunday arrangements I work with Sharda Lovelace working for years on the committee and I have taken over the Sunday arrangements I generally do those the Saturday night no interruptions and then usually we take down what we put up we start doing could we work with you all right well let's let's say about taking this arrangement down and its first thing it up son will go to the tower cut flower room like like in this case we had this prepared for Sunday and then something happened either in the Oasis and where do you get most of your uh lots of wild areas around my studio and Hanover and of course we go around the campus of the wonderful things around the campus all about and though those are an example of their growing just outside that hanging over onto our property so you you'll watch when you go back and forth every day big hard you gotta go by and pick that up so these are these are just came into bloom and they're all in a neighborhood and sing with these you see or all these things are from shrubs that are around campus so they have the white flowers now we're in the courtyard flower room with our courtyard cut flower committee chair mrs. Scottie earnest and she is recycling some flowers that were in a previous arrangement this is one of the many resident activities that we have here now mrs. Arness how long has this cup flower room been here it was came into being at the same time that the entire building new new building was constructed and I would have to say that we're very fortunate to have residents like yourself who commit the time and and expertise to these arrangements because they mean so much to our community especially we hear that so often those of us who are here in the room working and we leave purposely leave the doors open so we can people can see us working and they it never fails to be a situation where they're thanking us it's a pleasure for us and it's a pleasure for me as well sometimes I'll get a phone call about have you seen that arrangement you have to go down and see it we are now in our pool patio garden this garden was designed as a garden where you can come and relax and meditate after a visit in our Wellness Center we are also trying to incorporate an area where we can invite our feathered friends like you see here if you walk over this way you can see a stream bed to resemble water which is naturally soothing and a lot of the plants in this garden do help with sensory like some gardenias as well as some iris that have not yet come into bloom and this is the streambed here we do rely on our resident volunteers to help us with certain activities and I see dr. Carol over here I just want to say hi real quick hi dr. Carol thank you so much for all the time that you've given especially to this garden we really do appreciate everything that you do you are so welcome and we had a tough winter but we do have all kinds of new leaves coming Bob unquote that we thought was going to be gone I'm expecting every single morning I kind of expect all the new little baby leaves and we've got our hope you all got to see where we're starting to have some songbirds come on a regular basis and they've all made possible which I will make sure how thank you so much for everything you did so welcome I'm doing lots of people are starting to enjoy they're starting to thank you you're so welcome
Video Transcript
Title: Renovation Update #43
Time: 2 min 30 sec
Exterior work is being completed on the North and South side terrace elevation and scaffolding is removed from the South elevation. Interior work punch list work is under way and low voltage systems are being tested for proper operation.
[Music] hello we're continuing work on the roof terrace finishes on the inside with the shades and the lighting trying to get those programs with the control for system we're also programming the microphones and AV systems and are going to have training on that and then the next few weeks with the staff so we can set up four different venues depending upon entertainment options that are selected by the residence [Music] we're continuing work on the outside where we have the IFAs finishes going on at the roof terrace South End North elevations once those are finished we can start to break down the scaffolding system and begin the roof rework that's going to be around the exterior patios and that's exciting because that's starting to wrap up the outside work right outside the terrace area we're continuing on with the roof patio work where we install the railings and the free cast stone and that'll be happening in the next few weeks you'll notice we had custom fixtures installed for the chandeliers that are above the elevator lobby areas and this seating area along with the wall sconces these were custom made from California and just delivered a couple of weeks ago and recently installed and now we're programming them we've also gotten all the speakers installed and all the furniture has been delivered along with the remaining wall sconce light fixtures those are also energized now we're working on the dimming features of these of these pieces the outside we have finished the skylight installation of the upper overhangs in the roof terrace we're also getting the final paint finishes completed on the South elevation moving over to the North elevation and getting that finished at that in the next week once that happens we'll start to remove the scaffolding and continue on with the exterior finishes on both the North and South elevation terrace level once that's complete we'll return back to work on the exterior building facade [Music] you
Time: 2 min 30 sec
Exterior work is being completed on the North and South side terrace elevation and scaffolding is removed from the South elevation. Interior work punch list work is under way and low voltage systems are being tested for proper operation.
[Music] hello we're continuing work on the roof terrace finishes on the inside with the shades and the lighting trying to get those programs with the control for system we're also programming the microphones and AV systems and are going to have training on that and then the next few weeks with the staff so we can set up four different venues depending upon entertainment options that are selected by the residence [Music] we're continuing work on the outside where we have the IFAs finishes going on at the roof terrace South End North elevations once those are finished we can start to break down the scaffolding system and begin the roof rework that's going to be around the exterior patios and that's exciting because that's starting to wrap up the outside work right outside the terrace area we're continuing on with the roof patio work where we install the railings and the free cast stone and that'll be happening in the next few weeks you'll notice we had custom fixtures installed for the chandeliers that are above the elevator lobby areas and this seating area along with the wall sconces these were custom made from California and just delivered a couple of weeks ago and recently installed and now we're programming them we've also gotten all the speakers installed and all the furniture has been delivered along with the remaining wall sconce light fixtures those are also energized now we're working on the dimming features of these of these pieces the outside we have finished the skylight installation of the upper overhangs in the roof terrace we're also getting the final paint finishes completed on the South elevation moving over to the North elevation and getting that finished at that in the next week once that happens we'll start to remove the scaffolding and continue on with the exterior finishes on both the North and South elevation terrace level once that's complete we'll return back to work on the exterior building facade [Music] you
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