Assisted Living by Hillcrest provides a simple community lifestyle that specializes in Alzheimer’s & Dementia care, as well as personalized Assisted Living. Our talented, licensed and certified caregivers provide the highest level of quality care available 24 hours per day. The care our staff provides is second to none, and definitely sets us apart from other facilities. Our commitment is to respect life & celebrate it daily. We go the extra mile to serve our residents, to see them smile & to make them feel loved and cared for. Our staff not only cares for & gets to know the residents, but develops relationships with families as well. We want families to know and trust that their loved one is safe and cared for each and every day.
Enriching the lives of our residents, helping them to share what they have learned with others & to keep learning is very important to us. Our goal is that every one of our residents feels a sense of purpose & meaning. We connect with our residents on a personal level and enjoy learning about each residents past and background. Life Enrichment is not just activities done to pass time, but to keep our residents refreshed & to provide a constant discovery of life. Socializing is critical and providing activities is the core of longevity. A stimulating environment enhances the lives of our residents. We recognize every aspect of each individual by addressing these seven human needs: physical, emotional, cognitive, social, spiritual, aesthetic & community.
When you enter one of the Assisted Living by Hillcrest facilities, you have truly come home.