Fitzwater Assisted Living is an inviting assisted living community in Fairmont, West Virginia. It is within charming Marion County which is part of the Mountain State.
Fitzwater Assisted Living own and operates 2 different care facilities in Fairmont, West Virginia. The living options are The Chandler House or The Sterling Place. Both homes are warm, clean, inviting, and will give families and loved ones peace of mind. Here at the Fitzwater Assisted Living facilities, we cater to the needs of our clients no matter what they are.
Our Chandler House offers 16 assisted living beds that provide a peaceful and relaxing senior living experience. Our additional facility is the Sterling Place, which offers 13 beds with the same relaxing and tranquil atmosphere as the Chandler House. Whichever senior living option you choose the exceptional care and service is the same. We provide an outstanding senior living care for each and everyone of our residence.
Fitzwater’s Assisted Living is a family owned and operated facility that offers the comfort of living at home. We have been in the business of taking care of those who need assistance for over thirty-five years. Our goal, here at Fitzwater’s Assisted Living is to always provide excellent care and assisted living services to our residents. We are a private pay assisted living facility that is small in size and big in care. The experienced staff here at Fitzwater’s Assisted Living takes pride in the fact that we always put our residents first. Even though most of our clients would prefer to be in their own homes, we want them to feel like they are living in the next best thing. A caring and loving atmosphere is what we strive to provide our clients each and every day.
Fitzwater’s Assisted Living is dedicated to fulfilling our promises made to our clients when they move in. Our job is to provide a comfortable, safe, and secure home for those who need help with activities in their daily living, with respect and dignity. Through our personal support and health care services, our resident’s will enjoys an outstanding quality of life. We want our residents to keep as much of their independence as possible by giving them the freedom to make their own choice and the privacy they are looking for. When you are ready to talk about assisted living for yourself or a loved one, contact the experts at Fitzwater Assisted Living. We provide free consultations and visits to our facilities so our residents-to-be can see the living spaces and amenities we provide our residents.
List of Services & Options Offered at Both Chandler House & Sterling Place
- Private & Semi-Private Rooms
- Married Couples are Welcomed
- Home Cooked Meals
- Help With Daily Activities
- Medication Management
- Health Care Services
- Barber & Beautician Onsite
- Visits Daily Activities
- Field Trips
- Barbecues
- Church Services
- Dog Therapy
- Birthday Parties
- Picnics
- Residents’ Garden
- Hospice Care
Hospice is a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments. Hospice care neither prolongs life nor hastens death. The goal of hospice care is to improve the quality of a patient’s last days by offering comfort and dignity.