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UTI in Elderly - How to Identify the Signs

August 11, 2022

UTI refers to a urinary tract infection caused by bacteria or fungal infection. These infections attack the bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra, causing discomfort and pain. It affects both men and women but is more prevalent in women. This is because the Urethra in a woman is shorter than that of a man.

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Integrative and Alternative Therapies For Pain Relief in Senior Citizens

August 11, 2022

Chronic pain is challenging to deal with, no matter your stage. The problem is, as you continue to age, your body starts to break down tissue and it usually results in the experience of more chronic aches and pains. This is especially true when you have limitations on the type of pharmaceutical medications you can take.

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5 Signs It’s Time To Consider An Assisted Living Facility

August 9, 2022

As your parents or grandparents reach their senior years, their movements become slower. They experience aging-related health conditions and may also require assistance in their day-to-day living. Naturally, many of you will try your best to take care of them by yourself for as long as possible.

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6 Tips To Create Healthy Meal Plans For Seniors

August 9, 2022

Meal plans are a great way to eat healthily, but they can be especially beneficial for seniors. Meal plans can help you ensure you're getting the nutrition you need and make it easier to stick to your diet plan—all while saving time and money. As a caregiver for your seniors, they must get the nutrition they need from healthy meal plans.

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Perfect Gifts For the Elderly In Nursing Homes

August 4, 2022

Giving the perfect gift can be difficult. It can be especially challenging if you’re buying for an elderly friend, family member or loved one in a nursing home or a continuing care retirement community.

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Tips to Retire Rich

August 2, 2022

Often, you hear about people retiring at 55 and living comfortably. You dream about being able to retire at that age and never working a day in your life. But how many know what it takes to actually pull it off? We've compiled some tips that will help you retire rich.

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Eight Tips for Growing Old Gracefully and Safely

August 2, 2022

Growing old is a beautiful process to celebrate, as you add more wisdom and knowledge to your collection of years. When well prepared and taken care of, getting old could be one of the most enjoyable periods of your life.

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Why Does Aging Cause Hearing Loss?

July 31, 2022

As you keep getting older and older, you keep experiencing a significant number of changes in the way of the functioning of your body. Your hairs start to turn grey, your start feeling frequent pain in your back and joints. Also, your body strength seems to deteriorate gradually.

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Weight Training for Seniors - Exercises and Safety Tips

July 28, 2022

Staying active and practicing basic weight exercises as you age is critical for a long and healthy life.

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Online Safety Tips for Seniors

July 26, 2022

It’s no secret that seniors are often targeted by online scammers. Cybersecurity is an issue for everyone to be aware of, but as a lot of the older generation has not grown up with the same level of technology, their internet safety practices are sometimes not as secure as those who have.

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