
Learn about all aspects regarding senior living including tips for moving, downsizing, and retirement information. Get Prices & Availability for communities across the United States. Also learn about the latest technology, health tips, caregiver information, and much more.

Soon You Can Get a Hearing Aid Without a Prescription

August 19, 2022

About a third of people over the age of 65 have hearing loss. Once you reach the age of 75, your chances of becoming hard of hearing increase to about 50%. Luckily, there is newly accessible assistance for these individuals in the form of non-prescription hearing aids.

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How To Find Assisted Living With A Mental Health Condition

August 16, 2022

Living on one’s own could become challenging as the person ages, which may concern their loved ones. Unfortunately, not all family or friends can take in the elderly family members and give them the care they deserve, especially when they have a mental illness on top of their other health issues.

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BeltBro Senior Waist Belt - Easy & Lightweight Belt for Elderly

August 15, 2022

BeltBro is a durable, breathable material that comes in various sizes and colors that will keep you comfortable all day long. Whether going for a walk or doing your daily chores, it will help you move easily.

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How Holistic Medicine can Positively Impact Elderly Care

August 11, 2022

As we move deeper into a future in which people are living longer lives as a result of better medicine, a greater part of the population is becoming made up be elderly adults. In fact, it’s estimated that by the year 2050, 95 million Americans will be over the age of sixty-five.

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The Benefits of Strength Training for Aging Bodies

August 11, 2022

When you begin to get older, you don’t necessarily think about strength training, especially if it isn’t something you’ve already been doing for years. Instead, most people associate strength training as lifting weights with bulky younger adults who enter bench press competitions and weight lifting events.

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UTI in Elderly - How to Identify the Signs

August 11, 2022

UTI refers to a urinary tract infection caused by bacteria or fungal infection. These infections attack the bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra, causing discomfort and pain. It affects both men and women but is more prevalent in women. This is because the Urethra in a woman is shorter than that of a man.

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Integrative and Alternative Therapies For Pain Relief in Senior Citizens

August 11, 2022

Chronic pain is challenging to deal with, no matter your stage. The problem is, as you continue to age, your body starts to break down tissue and it usually results in the experience of more chronic aches and pains. This is especially true when you have limitations on the type of pharmaceutical medications you can take.

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6 Tips To Create Healthy Meal Plans For Seniors

August 9, 2022

Meal plans are a great way to eat healthily, but they can be especially beneficial for seniors. Meal plans can help you ensure you're getting the nutrition you need and make it easier to stick to your diet plan—all while saving time and money. As a caregiver for your seniors, they must get the nutrition they need from healthy meal plans.

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5 Signs It’s Time To Consider An Assisted Living Facility

August 9, 2022

As your parents or grandparents reach their senior years, their movements become slower. They experience aging-related health conditions and may also require assistance in their day-to-day living. Naturally, many of you will try your best to take care of them by yourself for as long as possible.

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Perfect Gifts For the Elderly In Nursing Homes

August 4, 2022

Giving the perfect gift can be difficult. It can be especially challenging if you’re buying for an elderly friend, family member or loved one in a nursing home or a continuing care retirement community.

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