Our mission is to enhance the lives of seniors living with dementia. This is a very personal mission ingrained in the fabric of Palm Villas, a family-owned and operated company.
We specialize in caring for seniors with memory impairments, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lewy-Body, or other forms of dementia. Our staff is specially trained in these fields and in caring for those who are at any stage of dementia. We provide expert clinical care led by fully licensed personnel on-site around the clock.
Palm Villas is designed to give your loved one a fulfilling life, in a safe and stimulating home-like environment that allows them to enjoy their golden years.
No matter their age or condition, we provide daily social and stimulating activities to keep their life enriched and help slow the progression of dementia.
We do this through the 7 Pillars of Wellness: physical exercise, cognitive stimulation, social activities, support groups, anxiety reduction, music therapy and our culinary experience. All of these are designed and have been proven to awaken the senses and stimulate the memory.
We provide daily living activities (bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, etc.), foot care, toileting and medication management.
You can be assured that your loved one will receive the compassionate care and dignified life they deserve.

Real Estate Agent
Jacklyn O'Connor Friedland