Helen M. Sawyer Assisted Living Facility

Miami, FL - Assisted Living

Community size: Extra Large (100+)

Helen M. Sawyer Assisted Living Facility is a splendid assisted living community in Miami, Florida. It is within fascinating Miami-Dade County which is part of the Sunshine State.

Concerned with the lack of affordable services that would allow the elderly to “age in place” Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development converted the public housing development Helen M. Sawyer Plaza into an assisted living facility (ALF).

This Facility provides low-income elderly residents with safe and comfortable private accommodations. The facility is licensed for 101 apartments, within an eight-story building covering 2.38 acres and is comprised of large studios and one-bedroom apartments.

It is not a nursing home and it does not hold a license to provide 24-hour nursing services. It is accessible to public transportation, is within walking distance of the Culmer Metrorail station and near local hospitals, major supermarkets, and shopping centers.

Amenities & Services

  • Assistance with mobility and transferring, personal hygiene, grooming, dressing, meals, and toileting
  • Medication scheduling supervised by licensed nursing staff
  • Housekeeping and Laundry Services
  • 24-hour staffing
  • Private living quarters
  • Cable Access in each apartment
  • Secured facility with an Electronic entry system
  • Accessible telephones on each floor
  • On-site food preparation of three daily meals and snacks
  • Social and leisure activities
  • Supervised field trips to cultural and recreational events
  • Coordination of transportation to medical appointments (escorts provided if necessary)
  • Complimentary hair cut and blow dry
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Thumbnail of Helen M. Sawyer Assisted Living Facility, Assisted Living, Miami, FL 2
Thumbnail of Helen M. Sawyer Assisted Living Facility, Assisted Living, Miami, FL 3
Thumbnail of Helen M. Sawyer Assisted Living Facility, Assisted Living, Miami, FL 4

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