Our Mission: To promote the health and well-being of elderly women by providing the loving, nurturing and secure environment necessary for a life of dignity and purpose.
ANNA P'S PERSONAL CARE HOME is dedicated to providing the best in quality care and comfort for elderly women. The home is located in a residential neighborhood and is designed to nurture elderly women who are no longer able to live independently but still desire the comforts of a home environment. Personal attention is assured, due to the low resident-to-staff ratio.
ANNA P'S PERSONAL CARE HOME is well-kept, cheery and comfortable. The owner lives in the home and the staff is pleasant, friendly and appropriately trained to work with the elderly.
Basic Services Provided:
- 24-hour protective care and watchful oversight
- 3 nutritious home-cooked meals per day
- 2 healthy snacks per day
- Assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, grooming, dressing, etc.)
- Laundry and linen
- Housekeeping
- Activities and recreational outings
- Medication supervision
- Private and semi-private rooms
- Cable TV in common areas
- Local calls
- Toilet tissue, soap, light bulbs
- Fire and Sprinkler system
- Rooms furnished with a single bed, night table, lamp, chest of drawers, an armchair, hamper, a small lock box, window treatments and pictures.
Services Provided at an Additional Fee:
- Personal items such as toothpaste, shampoo, etc.
- Cable TV and telephone connection in bedroom (available through the local providers, arrangements for which must be made by the resident or responsible party)