SearStone residents have brought the whole community to life. They’re savoring farm-fresh salads, steaks and seafood in Casual Dining. They’re raising cocktail glasses in The White Horse Bar & Grille. The air is filled with splashing from the pool, delighted applause from The Grand Ballroom, the buzz of neighbors sharing stories, trading recipes and planning adventures. It’s unlike any other retirement community in the Raleigh, NC area—or anywhere!
When you compare our services and amenities package to the bills you’re paying at home, you may not believe the value. When you consider the financial and health care security of Life Care—also included—you’ll appreciate life here even more. And when you realize that 100% of your entrance fee is refundable to your estate, preserving your assets for your family, you’ll see why so many people have already made SearStone their choice for the future. Visit our beautiful retirement community in Cary, close to Chapel Hill, NC.
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Video Transcript
Time: 3 min 27 sec
you since 2007 course Don and I came to my husband came to look at the model you know just because we were out riding and decided that when the time came for us to decide to move that this would be it and unfortunately he he died in 2009 but I knew right away oh whoa scary my kids were with me hundred percent but the fact that it's in cary and it's got such a history with you know bill and the fact that i don't have to make new friends I have my friends here and my kids don't have to be burdened by where I'm going to go so that's a nice thing about serious tone you know just know you're going to be taken care of but once i signed up then it was always i was talking about it with everybody and they're so excited they feel like they're moving to that keeps me busy my daughter and I are very much alike where organizers and things and she helped me I've been downsizing for 23 years so it's no big deal that it's now come time when I'm going to have to move I i found that fun to downsize a downsized when i went into that house and over here was became necessary I already tell them you know don't wait I have so many friends that say they just want to stay in their house so what I can't do anything well I think it's a little light when you have to move it's not as much fun and we all want to be healthy and active might not work out that way but sue stone right now is the place to go so you you have all of those things I think and it's very materialistic but the house I love this model and I know where everything's going to go and I I'm getting prepared for that that is going to make me very happy the rest is knowing that there's a health care if it's needed that's very important I like the fact that i can live independently and no i can be cared for if I need but seer stone has every imaginable amenity you can want and so who wouldn't like it and I'm ready I'm ready for that you

Real Estate Agent
Meghan Few & Charles Whitehorne
CW Realty