Whether it’s a well-appointed independent home without the worries of upkeep, a community of friends, a variety of concerts and other cultural events, a beautiful neighborhood with natural spaces to explore, or simply a balanced life – you can find it here at Well-Spring, A Life Plan Community.
Living at Well-Spring gives you the freedom to design the lifestyle of your choice for an active and fulfilling retirement. That means our residents are in control of where they live and the services they receive, all while having a sense of security as they grow further into their retirement years. We support our residents with continuing physical, mental and spiritual care, in addition to strengthening independence in a happy and nurturing environment.

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Video Transcript
Time: 4 min 51 sec
Ralph and Jean Davison discuss their decision to move to Well Spring's new Greenway Villas.
we reach this decision with a lot of conversation because we were not altogether sure we were ready to move to wellspring but when we learned about the the Greenway villas what they were where they are going to be the kind of demographic that you all are seeking to move into those villas we thought this is exactly what we've been looking for and we hadn't found it anywhere we've been looking all over town for this kind of a home and we hadn't found it and we believe we found that there well spring it didn't really happen that one of us made the decision first we really did struggle back and forth and back and forth and then Ralph said gene I live wherever you live just as long as we end up somewhere together Wellspring offers a lot of services that we're looking forward to we're looking forward to not having to do yard maintenance we're looking forward to having someone come and clean the house we're looking forward to having someone prepare a meal for us we're looking forward to the security we're looking forward to a carefree lifestyle and then you know I think the time will come when we'll want to take advantage of of cultural offerings and son we love the idea that one can take courses at UNCG that's exciting I'm an academic and I love that idea we were attracted to the Greenway villas by what they offered we made our list of what we were looking for in a downsized home it included the wow factor it included high ceilings that included floors and crown molding and the right features the right location and all of that is there in this house that we're looking at in the Greenway villas all the boxes are checked and there's nothing else that we could find in this area that checked all those boxes our family is I think largely supportive of it I mean one of our children may not be at this point but the other three are and certainly I will absolutely believe that once we're in there once we are settled and once they come and see where we're living they will absolutely get it I also think that um part of the issue is the age difference the kids don't understand the concept of wanting to downsize they're building careers and they're collecting things and all that sort of thing and firk for them this whole issue with this whole concept is just you know foreign to them the other part of the thing with the kids is that we don't want them to have to clean this house out we've started doing it and oh my gosh we couldn't do this in ten years cleaning this house out but we don't want them to have to do that we don't want them to have to make health care decisions and where we'll go if and when we need that service we want to take care of all of that in advance and make it easy for them for me the most challenging part of moving is going to be leaving our house we love this house we love this yard but with that comes a lot of inconvenience and a lot of expense frankly we were ready not to have the responsibilities of this large house that we lived in longer than any house we've ever lived in in our lives we will have been here for 23 years and we love it we love the grounds but we just don't want to deal with it anymore well spring is heads above other retirement communities and we know that firsthand having visited a number of them you know in our minds we were gonna move to well spring eventually this was not a question we knew all along that well spring was going to be our destination at some point right on the tip of my tongue is in a sense I'm a control freak you agree oh yeah well we're taking control of our lives and we're taking control of how we hope and expect that the next many years will will play out and we want to do it our way you
Video Transcript
Time: 6 min 51 sec
you well spring services was created to provide a broad spectrum of services for older adults throughout the guilford county and fact throughout the state of North Carolina we really are proud of the diversification of our services here at wellspring not only with the retirement community but all of our home and community based service programs our mission is to create an experience that exceeds the needs of evolving population of older adults we're well on our way to providing that we do have a wonderful reputation in our local community we want to grow that reputation and gain a national recognition for the work we're doing here and serving a diverse population at the present time wellspring services made up of our flagship continuing care retirement community wellspring retirement community we also have the adult center for enrichment which houses our home and community-based services these include Adult Day Services home care and caregiver education and respite services I'm so thankful for wellspring services attention to the fact that a location was needed they're backing to help get this facility has made the biggest difference the benefits for my dad are many the structure of the program is wonderful he knows where he's going to go five days a week he knows what's going to happen there'll be a smiling person to meet him they will attend to his needs and he feels safe and secure everyone here the staff the management they care for him so well that I have no worries when he's here it's just so uplifting to know that he looks forward to coming and I look forward to bringing him there have been several times when just having him out of the home and in a secure location has made it able for me to rest because for eight hours a day I know he's cared for and I can do what I need to do in addition we're the majority partner in a program called pace pace of the triad a non-profit health and human services agency that administers the pace program pace of the triad is based in Greensboro and offers services to residents of Guilford and Rockingham counties in North Carolina pace has helped me with stress because I was so stressful before I having to do this and work so it's been a big big relief for me i'm at work not worrying about her because i know where she is and that she think that has um they provide third before interacting with people in her and reuben it was the main thing getting her in spent a hard time working on my tab knees because it's rough or an exercise of charms and elbows and stuff like that but now I like it I like it I really do it helps i'm learning to like pace a lot different when i first got here you know being around push like this but being here now i love it anything happens sick wise they got a nice clinic here and I do I answer when I come in how was your day in pace you know oh you don't want to know the therapist would have worked me out but he security so they keep her going um I noticed that she's more cheerful you know and I like that I don't worry about her anymore she's getting to care the clinic the staff everyone is been really great if you need a place to bring your loved one do you space the services at wellspring home care given me freedom just to get out and do things the help that I couldn't do otherwise I think she's exceptional she's very smart and very caring and just a great person she does a little laundry and makes the bed give just a dishwasher and drives me whatever I need to go it just gives me a feeling of satisfaction and be independent with our help no spring retirement community was founded on service excellence our mission is to exceed the needs of involving population of older adults because we all have wants and needs and we can't always exceed expectations but we're always going to strive to exceed the basic needs of every human being and especially your older adults that we serve
Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 40 sec
Pat and Moses Goldberg visited over twenty continuing care retirement communities. Initially they chose a community in Maryland close to where they were living at the time. However, they decided to expand their search and found Well Spring. In this video, the Goldbergs will explain their decision to move to Greensboro in July of 2014 and how the diverse community of Well Spring has been a perfect fit for them.
we visited physically over 20 we spent nights there we had meals there we toured the health facility we looked at the resident governance the way that the staff and the residents interact and this was really the best place for us the beautiful nuts of the campus itself and the the attention paid to aesthetics throughout the campus turned out to be one of the distinguishing factors there are many places where the individual villas or units or rooms or apartments would be wonderful but when you look at that as a whole in the maintaining of the beauty across the campus that's particularly important one of the things that was important to us also was the dining facilities here it's a it's like a bet that one of the best restaurants in town and it feels sometimes like you're on a cruise and they just pamper you and and get these wonderful meals also I have a food allergy and they they make special food for me or in fact sometimes they just make special food for everybody because of my allergy so it's great it's a great experience here they take very good care of us well spring is not static it's growing it's changing there's a huge population of baby boomers who are going to be coming to CCRCs in the future the eight the population is generally is aging so well spring is growing and we're involved in the growth to the planning for the growth and since my background is in theater I've been part of the other residents who's been asked to contribute we've met with the architects and the theater consultants to try and design a space that would be unique in this country because it would be a space a theater space for performance but the audience would be seniors don't don't wait because people who wait end up not taking advantage of all the resources that are here at well server and I think there is a larger picture being service-oriented and volunteering and and I could see where I might be able to contribute to that when we've made a choice that we're in a place where we're safe we're happy we're contributing and we know that if we need care and further down the road it's here and it's here in a very warm and friendly and supporter environment