WindsorMeade Williamsburg is a Continuing Care Retirement Community developed by Pinnacle Living, formerly known as Virginia United Methodist Homes, Inc., a not-for-profit Virginia corporation historically and spiritually related to the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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Title: Windsormeade - Villas
Time: 3 min 46 sec
we chose the village after having looked at many other places which had apartments we didn't want to be in an apartment we didn't want to be in a duplex we saw some nice duplexes that had no parking spaces so we came to Windsor Mead the villas are here they have the parking they have the independence that we want and insist upon and they're lovely I like the idea of having a place that's all my own and I can come and go as much as I want without disturbing anybody and there's a high degree of a sense of security here we are a gated community and we have we're checked out by security coming we can have our friends come in and we call security and tell them they're coming but 24/7 there are security vans that circle around the community and this is the first place I've lived in decades where I didn't have an alarm system everything is right at your fingertips here in the villa and I really enjoy that I used to have a house that was 5,000 plus square feet and I would run myself to death in that house here everything's at your fingertips everything's new and I really like that and I like the storage facility that's and a two-car garage which some places don't have and the fact that I can get in my car or I can walk to the shopping centers here and occasionally I'll do that one of greatest things about living in the villas is having a full kitchen I love to cook I have at least 300 cookbooks I used to have 800 I've been cooking for many many years and I have everything I need here to put on a gourmet dinner also here we have an organization called culinary journeys where some of the ladies get together and we exchange recipes and cook them up in one of the other villas and that's a lot of fun the management worked with us hand in glove to get certain upgrades done we had a special storm screen door put on for instance and we're having a pergola built in the backyard and so we have the options to sort of customize our villa so that not every villa looks the same even if it is the same model and I love the neighbors I have some wonderful neighbors and we are always if they had a fence would be talking over the fence but we can sit out on our patios and wave at each other and invite each other over for drinks or what have you I can't remember any place that I have been so welcomed that we have been so welcomed as we have been since we've been here in the 6 months that we've been here we have met all kinds of people we've been entertained we've entertained it's just a super place to be there is so much to do here that you really need two lifetimes to do it you
Time: 3 min 46 sec
we chose the village after having looked at many other places which had apartments we didn't want to be in an apartment we didn't want to be in a duplex we saw some nice duplexes that had no parking spaces so we came to Windsor Mead the villas are here they have the parking they have the independence that we want and insist upon and they're lovely I like the idea of having a place that's all my own and I can come and go as much as I want without disturbing anybody and there's a high degree of a sense of security here we are a gated community and we have we're checked out by security coming we can have our friends come in and we call security and tell them they're coming but 24/7 there are security vans that circle around the community and this is the first place I've lived in decades where I didn't have an alarm system everything is right at your fingertips here in the villa and I really enjoy that I used to have a house that was 5,000 plus square feet and I would run myself to death in that house here everything's at your fingertips everything's new and I really like that and I like the storage facility that's and a two-car garage which some places don't have and the fact that I can get in my car or I can walk to the shopping centers here and occasionally I'll do that one of greatest things about living in the villas is having a full kitchen I love to cook I have at least 300 cookbooks I used to have 800 I've been cooking for many many years and I have everything I need here to put on a gourmet dinner also here we have an organization called culinary journeys where some of the ladies get together and we exchange recipes and cook them up in one of the other villas and that's a lot of fun the management worked with us hand in glove to get certain upgrades done we had a special storm screen door put on for instance and we're having a pergola built in the backyard and so we have the options to sort of customize our villa so that not every villa looks the same even if it is the same model and I love the neighbors I have some wonderful neighbors and we are always if they had a fence would be talking over the fence but we can sit out on our patios and wave at each other and invite each other over for drinks or what have you I can't remember any place that I have been so welcomed that we have been so welcomed as we have been since we've been here in the 6 months that we've been here we have met all kinds of people we've been entertained we've entertained it's just a super place to be there is so much to do here that you really need two lifetimes to do it you
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Title: Windsormeade - Wellness
Time: 2 min 16 sec
to me being active is quality of life being able to enjoy all the things that windsor meat has to offer it the quality of life i think is terrific here anybody who reads the New York Times or just current news items will see article after article on the advantages of continued physical activity not just for your body but also for your mind in my case for example I I walk briskly about three miles each day and I also we also have a very well equipped exercise room weights and I use these write regularly not not every day and so on when I was young I could learn to swim basically before I could walk and Long Island Sound the ocean so swimming is just unnatural for me when I looked at the pool at Windsor me I just fell in love with it the other day I went down about one o'clock in the afternoon on a beautiful sunny day the pool room it's long it has big windows the Sun was coming through those windows making the water Sparkle I couldn't wait to get in one of the things that they have here is something going on all the time so that you just look at your calendar say oh that's a musical thing or this this is an exercise thing or this is something else I think there's really something for everybody here I know a lot of people who have said to me they were sorry they waited too long before they went to a retirement community and I wanted to be sure that I was not one of those people and I'm very happy that I that my husband and I are both active and that we can enjoy all the activities here before we were in a position where we wouldn't be able to
Time: 2 min 16 sec
to me being active is quality of life being able to enjoy all the things that windsor meat has to offer it the quality of life i think is terrific here anybody who reads the New York Times or just current news items will see article after article on the advantages of continued physical activity not just for your body but also for your mind in my case for example I I walk briskly about three miles each day and I also we also have a very well equipped exercise room weights and I use these write regularly not not every day and so on when I was young I could learn to swim basically before I could walk and Long Island Sound the ocean so swimming is just unnatural for me when I looked at the pool at Windsor me I just fell in love with it the other day I went down about one o'clock in the afternoon on a beautiful sunny day the pool room it's long it has big windows the Sun was coming through those windows making the water Sparkle I couldn't wait to get in one of the things that they have here is something going on all the time so that you just look at your calendar say oh that's a musical thing or this this is an exercise thing or this is something else I think there's really something for everybody here I know a lot of people who have said to me they were sorry they waited too long before they went to a retirement community and I wanted to be sure that I was not one of those people and I'm very happy that I that my husband and I are both active and that we can enjoy all the activities here before we were in a position where we wouldn't be able to
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Title: WindsorMeade Residents Stu & Sylvia
Time: 1 min 58 sec
I'm Stewart wood guy and I'm Sylvia Woodcock and we've lived here almost six years I attended the Virginia Military Institute and after that I served two years in the military my VMI classmate was invited here for a visit and he invited us to join them and we ended up here and they did not feel good I do how do you he's one of my best decisions [Music] we've enjoyed the new friendships and we are active in the community I'm proud that I move more pounds in a month and the fitness center than anyone else that lives it exercise has always been really important I really enjoy seeing the people in the fitness center the number of people who live here who are well into their 90's that visit the fitness center that is one of the main things that keeps us young when we lived in Matthews County I had a big garden there we had about an acre and a half so here living in a villa around our house we have borders and we are allowed to plant plants in those borders I had a wonderful array of zinnias this year I've shared zinnias with lots of people so this has been fun when you see things grow like that that makes me happy moving to a CCRC a lot of people think that this community is just for old folks we all act I think younger than we really are and I really think living here makes you younger [Music] you
Time: 1 min 58 sec
I'm Stewart wood guy and I'm Sylvia Woodcock and we've lived here almost six years I attended the Virginia Military Institute and after that I served two years in the military my VMI classmate was invited here for a visit and he invited us to join them and we ended up here and they did not feel good I do how do you he's one of my best decisions [Music] we've enjoyed the new friendships and we are active in the community I'm proud that I move more pounds in a month and the fitness center than anyone else that lives it exercise has always been really important I really enjoy seeing the people in the fitness center the number of people who live here who are well into their 90's that visit the fitness center that is one of the main things that keeps us young when we lived in Matthews County I had a big garden there we had about an acre and a half so here living in a villa around our house we have borders and we are allowed to plant plants in those borders I had a wonderful array of zinnias this year I've shared zinnias with lots of people so this has been fun when you see things grow like that that makes me happy moving to a CCRC a lot of people think that this community is just for old folks we all act I think younger than we really are and I really think living here makes you younger [Music] you
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