Specializing in Selling Homes for Seniors
The real estate needs of the senior population can prove complex. Many times, issues such as family dynamics can complicate a sale. Furthermore, many seniors are coping with deteriorating health.
They’re also dealing with personal losses and financial constraints. You can expand your clientele and meet seniors’ needs by becoming a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES).
Senior real estate specialists are real estate agents for seniors. The National Association of Realtors created the SRES certification. Realtors with SRES certification have special training that enables them to meet the unique needs of clients ages 50 and over.
Furthermore, these professionals learn how to cultivate a network of senior specialists. The specialist might work in fields such as estate planning and tax counseling.
Using their skills and network, SRES realtors can provide a remarkable client experience for seniors selling their homes. Agents who earn SRES certification complete training related to the real estate challenges and needs of senior clients.
For example, realtors who take SRES training learn no-pressure sales techniques. They also learn about suggesting housing alternatives for seniors. These alternatives may include downsizing or moving to an assisted living community.
SRES certified agents also learn how to identify resources for seniors in the community. This knowledge enables them to help seniors find communities that are a good fit. It also helps them to aid seniors in choosing moves that are the right option to suit their needs.
Even for experienced buyers, real estate sales can prove confusing and challenging to navigate. However, an SRES certified agent makes the process much easier for seniors.
Deepen Your Senior Niche
After earning SRES certification, you’ll need to develop your senior niche. You can begin the process by creating a successful promotion plan. You’ll need to promote your business if you want it to take off.
You can start by creating a senior-centric website. For your website, you’ll want a memorable URL.
The URL will need to attract senior clients. However, it should also reflect your real estate niche.
A URL that contains your name may look and sound professional. However, it doesn’t show clients that you cater especially to the senior market.
For example, you might want to gear your URL toward the retirement community.
This kind of URL will catch clients’ attention. However, it will also inform them that you cater especially to the senior market.
It’s also important to use printed media to reach senior clientele. Now, every business needs to have an online presence. However, many potential senior clients still prefer reading the Sunday paper compared to browsing the internet.
You can also contribute to a local newspaper column. By maintaining a local media presence, you can establish yourself as a professional in the senior real estate field.