Elternhaus Inc, Assisted Living is a 23-bed family-like home, divided into 4 zones of 5-8 residents each, with their own unchanging care-givers. We practice the philosophy of kind, patient, and knowledgeable service. You may speak to us, if we violate this mission! We know that our residents are physical, spiritual, social and emotional beings.
Most of our rooms are privates of moderate size, with their own vanities and toilets. Showers and whirlpools are available for assisted bathing. TV's can be hooked up to Verizon FIOS in each room, but most people enjoy watching with friends in the living rooms. We encourage our residents to be out in the common use areas, except when they desire privacy, are napping, or are sleeping through the monitored nights. We have staff awake and making rounds all night.