Providence Elderplace in Irvington Village
Portland, OR - Assisted Living
Community size: Extra Large (100+)

Providence ElderPlace – nationally recognized for providing comprehensive services to older adults with health concerns – operates Irvington Village, a 104-unit affordable assisted-living facility in Northeast Portland. Irvington Village is a key resource for senior affordable living and Medicaid-funded services for the Northeast Portland community. Read more
All authorized services are covered in full for providence ElderPlace participants.
PACE participants must receive all needed health care, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services) from the PACE organization or from an entity authorized by the PACE organization. PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE services. Emergency services are covered.

Real Estate Agent
Grayden Economides
Coldwell Banker Bain