Senior Marketing Blog

This blog is aimed at communities and service providers that cater to senior citizens.  Advice on communicating, marketing, and working with seniors is covered here.  Our main blog is more extensive and covers material of interest to senior citizens and their families interested in continuing care.

Keeping Your Cool as a Crisis Healthcare Worker

December 1, 2022

Being a nurse can be difficult. Staying calm amid chaotic environments, long and demanding schedules, and the rotation of patients is a skill that can be hard to cultivate and even more difficult to utilize consistently.

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How to Get Motivated for Study and Improve Grades

November 30, 2022

Young people need motivation to stay on top of their game. Unfortunately, not everyone can stay positive all of the time without having moments of doubts, second thoughts, or regrets. Of course, these things are normal to experience every once in a while. Yet, a lack of motivation may hurt students’ academic performance.

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How First Aid Training Helps You Address Medical Emergencies In Seniors

November 30, 2022

First aid can do more than just save lives. When you provide first aid immediately, a person’s recovery time can be reduced—which can make a big difference between a patient having a long-term disability or a temporary one.

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The Impact of Homelessness on Education

November 16, 2022

Did you know that there are over 1.3 million homeless students in the United States? This number is on the rise, as more and more families find themselves struggling to make ends meet. The impact of homelessness on education is devastating, and can lead to lifelong struggles for these children.

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The Basics of Research Paper Writing for Beginners

November 16, 2022

A research paper is a formal academic essay that presents original research alongside analysis, interpretation, and argument.

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Strategies to Cope With Anxiety and Study Stress

October 13, 2022

Anxiety and study stress are the key problems of modern students. Many young people experience constant emotional discomfort due to an irregular educational process. Moreover, a huge number of weekly assignments greatly complicates everyday life. As a result, students experience discomfort due to anxiety and study stress.

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The Literature for Care Approach: How to Enhance Empathy Medical Students

September 29, 2022

They teach you many things in medical school. All those classes and lab sessions, all that knowledge in basic sciences, and all that clinical experience will greatly impact the way you do your job in the future. But professors rarely mention another critical attribute in healthcare: empathy. It’s because empathy is hard to teach.

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Nursing Careers are More Promising Than Ever, Here's Why

September 9, 2022

The world needs more nurses. The high level of demand has made the field a seller’s market. In other words, if you have the training and skills required for nursing, you are in an excellent position to find lucrative and rewarding work in this important field.

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How to Create a Window Display That Sets Your Assisted Living Facility Apart

September 9, 2022

When most people think of assisted living facilities, they imagine bland hallways with simple decorations that don't really add anything to the environment. However, by creating an attractive window display, you can set your facility apart and show potential residents that there is more to your community than just a place to live.

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How to Write a Healthcare Recommendation Letter

August 31, 2022

A recommendation letter for doctor plays an important role in applying for positions and programs in healthcare. They are usually written by employers, teachers, and colleagues to tell more about the qualifications of healthcare professionals.

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