Senior Marketing Blog

This blog is aimed at communities and service providers that cater to senior citizens.  Advice on communicating, marketing, and working with seniors is covered here.  Our main blog is more extensive and covers material of interest to senior citizens and their families interested in continuing care.

The Social Impact of Public Health Educators

August 1, 2022

While many take for granted the fact that the public is made aware of many different health and wellness ideas, they are often unaware that the work of public health educators is often responsible for the dissemination of this information.

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How to Get a Nursing Degree if You Have a Full-Time Job

July 27, 2022

Getting a nursing degree while working full-time is a difficult path to choose. But for some people, this is a reality they have to cope with. And yet there are ways to make this path less overwhelming. Read on and you will know how to deal with nursing school and a full-time job simultaneously.

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What Top Writers Can Teach Us About Essay Writing

July 18, 2022

Learning how to write the best essays is crucial for life - Not only does it make you appear more literate, but it also helps structure your thoughts and bring them to life.

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Tips for Dealing with Patient Complaints at a Hospital

June 17, 2022

It's important to listen to the patients who are admitted to the hospital. They can provide suggestions on how to improve the medical services provided. They may not be in the best physical shape, but some won't mind sharing their thoughts. Here are some common issues and how to deal with them.

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Tip for Making the Most Out of Nursing School Clinicals

June 15, 2022

Nursing is a career where most of your first experience will come from learning and doing things.

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5 Fastest Paths to Becoming a Nurse

June 15, 2022

If you want to become a nurse quickly, there are multiple paths, depending on the time you're willing to invest in the programs and the career path you're considering. This helps you launch your nursing career within no time. However, you can go back to further your education in the future if you want to progress and grow in your career.

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5 Great Reasons to Become a Nurse Practitioner

June 15, 2022

Thousands of students sign up to become nurses every year. Nursing is an honorable and rewarding career for those with a natural desire to help and take care of others. If you are considering entering the nursing field, you may want to consider the advantages of taking your education a step further and becoming a nurse practitioner.

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Marketing Tactics to Become an Opinion Leader and Boost Your Brand

May 17, 2022

Do you want to be an opinion leader in your industry? It can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it! When you become an opinion leader, you not only boost your brand, but you also increase your authority and credibility.

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5 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Senior Care Centers: How to Stand Out

May 10, 2022

As the population of seniors continues to grow, the demand for senior care services is rising. If you own a senior care center and want to stand out from the competition, social media can serve as a powerful tool to expand your healthcare business.

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The Commons Between Education And Social Work

March 16, 2022

As the world continues to change, more and more people choose to learn skills that will increase their income. It makes sense, as we all need money to live. However, some professions remain that are absolutely necessary, but cannot offer a large income. Social work and education both belong among these honorable professions.

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